Mexico's economy will be strong: Carlos Slim

Mexico's economy will be strong: Carlos Slim

So Mexico can increase its growth And this translates into benefits for people The country should create equality and security among the peopleIncrease investment, above all, Take advantage of your proximity to Americasaid Carlos Slim Helu, president of Fundación Telmex.

In the last 40 years, we have had extraordinary political stability (…) and, although socially, we have not had desirable economic growth,” he explained while participating in the 2024 Economic Outlook Seminar of the Autonomous Technology Institute of Mexico (ITAM). .

Because above, step Mexican businessmanHe Economic development The national average has been less than 2% over the past three decades, although there have been large moves like this North American Free Trade Agreement.

truly, Slim Helu described the deal as “conventional”, Because it grew Mexico's trade with the United States sevenfold in 30 years, while its northern neighbor increased its trade with China by 11.9 times.

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This is often the reason Globalization phenomenonIt focuses on buying or manufacturing in a cheaper location.

In recent times, the America's relationship with China has changed And this phenomenon focuses more on regionalization of production of products Founder of Grupo Carso See it as an opportunity Mexico attracts US investment.

America cannot continue to buy from its political adversary, and now has to make do with many of the things it bought from them because they are cheaper,” he highlighted.

This is mainly seen in industries like Processor manufacturingIn this America Seeks to stop depending on Asia.

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The Mexican businessman sees a great opportunity for American companies to locate their production Mexico, where labor costs are more efficient.

Let go of growth

On the other hand, Slim Helu It was assumed that a Country leaving the undeveloped state When it is violated $15,000 cap per person.

In the U.S. they break it in a middle way because Chile broke it and it went backwards, Panama is very good,” he noted.

why Mexico And to be able to get out of underdevelopment, he felt it was necessary to increase investment, further integration in the region, work with the United States and promote temporary employment.

Improve your chances

He also felt that creating equality should not be the issue Improving the minimum standard of living of the people And everyone has Education and training opportunitiesas well as security in areas such as health or pensions.

“What we are looking for is not equality, but we want to uplift those at the bottom, those outside the basic basket, train them and provide them with employment opportunities,” he added.

In this sense, he considered the increase of the minimum wage in recent years as positive, which is also supported by the business sector.

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