Durango bets on technology to improve safety in 2024 – El Sol de Durango

Durango bets on technology to improve safety in 2024 – El Sol de Durango

Oscar Galvan Villarreal assured the Ministry of Public Security in Durango that the priority in 2024 will continue to be the use of resources in acquiring technology to investigate and prosecute crimes.

Addressing the matter, the state official said that despite the difficult financial conditions, the secretariat has been working for the past year to install technical equipment that will contribute to the basic work of the secretariat.

In that regard, he predicted that the priority for the Ministry of Public Security this year and for 2024 will undoubtedly be investment in technology used for the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

Galvan Villarreal pointed out that the resources allocated from the beginning of the administration to this type of equipment have produced very positive results.

He explained that most of the technical equipment in the C5 has been updated and the C4 is in the process of being updated.

He announced that new cameras with ultra-modern technology will be installed to improve the coverage in surveillance missions.

therefore, “We can confirm that what was done in 2023 will be completed next year.” said the interviewer.

As State Governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal said, the strategy will not stop at the technical issue, he said.

He also highlighted that with this continued investment, the possibility of real-time tracking of crimes through video surveillance system will become a reality.

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