Economic Vulgate, Democratize Economics- Opinion | Comment

It is understood by the vulgarizer”One who popularizes, elaborates, disseminates, or expresses an idea reserved for small circles who understand its content and complexity.. The Vulgate was translated into Latin by Saint Jerome in the late 4th century. And it allowed the expansion of Christianity to come with a text that could reach a wider readership and reinforce the universality of the faith.

Economics is like all sciences A universe, because of the density of its accumulated knowledge, creates narrow contexts accessible only to a very few. Economic science records its developments and findings in documents commonly known as ‘papers’ or articles in which the researcher records the results of his research work.

Some of them are called ‘seminal papers’ because their contributions created a breakthrough or represented an important innovation in the approach to some aspect of science. As research progresses, understanding the concepts requires more depth and preparation.

On very specific issues, only a small number of leading experts fully understand the implications of what they are working on. Inevitably, the isolation between the best experts and the general population deepens. For economics, this distance is more delicate, because the topics of science are related to the well-being of the population as a whole.

Popularization of economics is vital because it facilitates debate about public policies and allows the formulation of government-directed debates. In democracies, election results confirm that citizens have very little knowledge of economic issues, which they generally find dull and boring. Very few public men attempt to explain the economic logic behind all public affairs.

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The economic Vulgate annoys and disturbs great theorists because precision and depth are inevitably lost in the exercise of simplification. But still It is necessary to prevent the explorers’ work from being submerged and invisible Without contributing to the solution of economic problems which are the problems of all.

The Training in economics should be a permanent sequence of pre-university education. It goes from concepts like risk, profit, competition, foreign trade, subsidies, and the functioning of markets to small concepts like the importance of savings that affect everyone, and therefore the public good. What we have today in educational programs is very inadequate.

Marketing, communication, teaching and preaching are economic assets for a society. Definitely.

Miguel Gomez Martinez
Dean del Rosario of the University of Economics and Finance.
[email protected]

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