Bulrich proposes the use of pesos and dollars as a solution to the economy

Bulrich proposes the use of pesos and dollars as a solution to the economy

“It’s sad to report social failure as heroism,” disqualifies presidential candidate Cristina Fernandez for the May 25 event.. Patricia Bulrich takes advantage of every minute available to the press and passes in a few sentences to the vice president, rejecting the alliance with Javier Millay in the 2023 elections and defining how his economy will be on the way to Rivadavia. Chair.

What about celebrating 20 years? There are more social programs and less work (they celebrate) Have you left a devastated country?

First, he questioned Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who said the move made him “sad to be talking about a project that will end this fall.” He tried to find out the reasons for the call and wondered: “What about celebrating 20 years? There are more social programs and less work (they celebrate) Have you left a devastated country?

“We have to be strong, not afraid. Today people are ready to make strong changes and changes in the system, and that’s what we have to do,” he added in an interview with Cadena 3.

Bullrich proposed “pimonetarism” instead of dollarization. “Bimonetarism is a better system than dollarization for Argentina. It is important to go to bimonetarism because it allows you to choose the currency and not the state imposing which currency to use.”

He promised that the system would be in Uruguay or Peru, use two currencies and have an independent central bank, which, in his opinion, “is what we need”.

Finally, he commented Libertad Avanza candidate Javier Milei assured that “everything is clear” on the issue: “I am the candidate for change and he belongs to another political force. We are going to compete, there will be no coalition.”, he concluded.


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