Economics opens registrations to participate in the Associative TEC II Development Competition: Mendoza Government Press


Initiative, which will allocate $To encourage, support and support 80 million technology development projects, Mendoza is aimed at private companies and companies that seek to solve common problems with a collaborative work model.

The Ministry of Economy and Energy, through the Mendocino Agency for Innovation, Science and Technology and the Directorate of Innovation and Economic Development, announces that registrations are open to participate in the TEC Associative II Development Competition.

The proposal, which allocates $80 million to encourage, support and supplement technology development projects, is aimed at Mendoza private companies and institutions.

When the provincial economic ministry officials were consulted about who could participate in the call, they commented: “It is aimed at chambers of commerce, mixed conglomerates, cooperatives, foundations, business confederations and accelerators.”

In this sense, they added: “The criteria to be followed must represent one or more links in a value chain or manufacturing sector of a primary, industrial or service nature within the province. In addition, the proposed project must provide a technical or scientific solution to a general problem in the field they represent.

Projects provided to meet all the requirements of the initiative are not limited by the fact that they can access non-reimbursable contributions of up to 80% of the total value of the VAT-financed component. Up to a maximum of $30 million per project. Meanwhile, the co-contribution should be 20% or more of the value of the financeable component.

Fundable components

  • Procurement of products, raw materials and inputs affected by the projects.
  • Acquisition Hardware and solutions related to the basis of the project.
  • New equipment.
  • New machines.
  • Training services.
  • Technical and/or technical consulting services.
  • Other consulting services.
  • Costs associated with immovable assets.
  • Development of infrastructure for project development.
  • Costs related to environmental aspects and/or safety and health.
  • Acquisition of new imported goods.
  • Fees of the General Coordinator of the Scheme.
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About the timeline for project implementation

There is one very important piece of information related to the deadline that those seeking to access non-repayable funds must adhere to. In this case, from the Mendocino Agency for Science and Technology Innovation, they insisted that the signing of the contract should not exceed 18 months, counting as the starting point.


Interested individuals and organizations must access ANR Load the plans Monday, May 8 and till 29th of this month, through ticket mode.

For more details, visit www.economí


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