Ecuador: Daniel Noboa announced the deportation of 1,500 foreign prisoners this week, including Peruvians, Colombians and Venezuelans | the world

Ecuador: Daniel Noboa announced the deportation of 1,500 foreign prisoners this week, including Peruvians, Colombians and Venezuelans |  the world

President of EcuadorDaniel Nobowa announced this Wednesday that the deportation of 1,500 foreign nationals serving sentences in the country's prisons will begin this week.

The President declared that it would start with the citizens Colombia, Venezuela and Peru, because they are close countries. He then explained that they would continue to deport foreigners from distant lands .

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“Let's start this week. We are in touch ColombiaWe have too People of Venezuela Y Perusas. (They are) 90% of the foreign population in prisons. “It's not deportation, it's done through international agreements.”

Nobowa added that the deportations would help reduce overcrowding in prisons. He dismissed the fact that more is currently being spent on feeding the disenfranchised than on school breakfasts for the nation's children.

Colombia said they want to help us, and we have already sent them 1,500 prisoners that we hold in Ecuadorian prisons.“, he said Noboa In an interview with Radio Canela, he noted the support for counter-violence received from many countries. Colombia.

Colombia's response

Colombia's Minister of Justice, Nestor OsunaHe replied and confirmed yes Ecuador He released 1,500 Colombians from prisons in that country The law requires the national government to receive the outstanding accounts regardless of whether they exist or not.

If they are expelled, they are first expelled from prison; That is, they release them And upon arrival at the border, a Colombian citizen can enter Colombia,” Ozuna said in statements to the press.

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Noboa declared a state of emergency on Monday At a time when there were riots in the country's prisons against the transfer of prisoners.

The move yesterday sparked a backlash from terrorist groups – including bombings, kidnappings of police officers, and armed gunmen – who stormed a television channel in the coastal city. In Guayaquil.

Cross border evacuation

President Noboa He added that Colombian prisoners “already serving sentences of five years or more, enforceable” So they can return to their own country.

“According to Ecuadorian law and international agreements we can take those 1,500 people and leave them at the border, thank you very much, stay there”The President added.

about, Minister Ozuna explained that if the Ecuadorian government were to finalize the plan, Colombian authorities would have to examine the court situation of each prisoner. That they would be deported across the border.

“Upon arrival Colombia“If (a prisoner) owes any debt to a Colombian judge, he must be imprisoned, and if not, he will continue his life freely in Colombia,” he explained.

The two countries share a land border of 586 km It has several border crossings, the most important of which are the cities of Ipiales (Colombia) and Tulcan (Ecuador).

Osuna He clarified that this procedure is different from the repatriation of prisoners, which requires the completion of legal procedures that examine each person's specific situation and the possibility of completing the sentence in their country of origin. Also, the prisoner must request this action.

“If it's an exodus, it means they're simply coming to the border, it depends on the situation of each of them before the Colombian justice system.” The minister added.

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Osuna He realizes that such a situation would be an extra effort for Colombian prisons, which have serious overcrowding problems like Ecuador's.

“If you ask me if Ibialus prison has 1,500 places, of course not. If the evictions happen, we will see if people should be arrested and brought before the judge,” he asserted.


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