Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso dissolves Congress: “This is the best decision” | Ecuador | National Assembly | the world

Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso dissolves Congress: “This is the best decision” |  Ecuador |  National Assembly |  the world

President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lazo, the National Assembly (Congress) was dissolved before a serious political crisis. He also said that he would apply Call the “cross death” election.

“With an assembly whose political agenda is to destabilize the government, democracy and the state, it is impossible to solve the problems of Ecuadorian families, to face the deep challenges of insecurity and terrorism”, Lasso argued first.

read more: The opposition in Ecuador adopted a resolution of complaint and censure against President Lasso

The President pointed out that there have been four attempts to remove him from office since the beginning of his rule. Caused political crises and protests.

“I have decided to invoke Article 148 of the Constitution which gives the power to dissolve the National Assembly (…) I have requested the National Election Commission to immediately hold the assembly and presidential elections in their respective periods. This is a democratic decision that is not only constitutional but also returns the power to the people of Ecuador to decide their future in the next election. This is the best decision,” he said. was added.

“Death to the Cross”

The president, before Ecuadorean television, promised to deliver “Death to the Cross”, the legal entity that allows the President to dissolve the National Assembly and then hold elections. Its purpose is to renew legislative and executive powers.

It should be noted that Lasso can rule the South American country through emergency decrees or laws for six months, and this is the first time a head of state has convened this law, which can only be used once in the first three years. management.

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National Assembly and his trial

Action published A day later National Assembly Initiate a political investigation against Guillermo Lasso for fraud. However, Lasso rejected the demands.

It should be noted that the majority of the Congress is made up of the opposition and supporters of former President Rafael Correa.

Now, the Election Court has to decide the date of fresh elections, which should be known after seven days of its dissolution.

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