EFE Economic Day Topics for Sunday October 22, 2023

EFE Economic Day Topics for Sunday October 22, 2023

Bank results

MADRID – Major Spanish banks will this week publish results for the year to September, boosted by a rise in interest rates that will lead the sector to break new records with a combined profit of more than 19,000 million. Assessments.




MADRID – The appetite of Latin American fortunes for Spain, which is at the heart of the Madrid destination, has not stopped growing in recent years, turning the capital into the “Miami of Europe”, as some already say. After the Venezuelans and Mexicans, who have been very active in recent years, now it is the turn of the Argentines, Chileans or Colombians.



If communication

MADRID – Traditional media in Spain will bill 5,804 million euros in 2023, almost 2% less than in 2022 and 10.6% less than before the coronavirus pandemic, hurt by the decline in advertising – especially on television – and the rise of digital platforms.

(text) (archive sources at www.lafototeca.com code 21567317 and others)


Nissan Reindustrialization

BARCELONA – After almost two years of unemployment, former Nissan workers are putting their faith in Chinese conglomerate Chery, which is studying whether to assemble its electric vehicles in Barcelona, ​​amid doubts raised by plans chosen by administrations to guarantee reindustrialisation.

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Hospitality Restaurant (Interview)

MADRID – The head of Spain’s Hospitality, José Luis Yzuel, argues in an interview with Efe in the sector that “it is not a banana republic, it is regulated and has studies that identify the dilemmas of hiring”.

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Information agenda

See also  Chinese CPI rose 0.3% in April

12:00h.- San Sebastián.- TOURISM SAN SEBASTIÁN.- Demonstration against the “touristization” of San Sebastián is called by the site of Bisilagunek. Altered eder



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