EFE Economic Day topics for Wednesday, April 17, 2024

EFE Economic Day topics for Wednesday, April 17, 2024

IMF funding

WASHINGTON – The IMF is presenting its Fiscal Monitor report, which provides a detailed analysis of the budgetary situation of world economies, after warning of the need to clean up finances to face future crises.


– Spanish Economy Minister Carlos Badi and Bank of Spain Governor Pablo Hernández de Caz comment on the IMF's perspectives on Spain.


Foreign housing

Madrid – The General Council of Notaries publishes data on the sale and purchase of homes in Spain in the second half of 2023, whose weight in the market is at a historic high, at 15% of purchases last year. Registrars.

(Text) (Infographic) (Archive sources www.lafototeca.com code 21571243)


ACS strategy

Madrid – ACS celebrates its Capital Markets Day 2024, an event with analysts and investors in which it will announce its 2024-2026 strategic plan and will have the participation of the construction team and executives of its main companies.



EU Inflation

BRUSSELS – Eurostat publishes final inflation figures in the eurozone for March, which according to an advanced indicator, fell by two-tenths to 2.4%, just 0.4 points below the target set by the European Central Bank (ECB). )

(Text) (Infographic)

– Inflation in the United Kingdom fell by two-tenths to 3.2% in March, the lowest level in more than two years.

(Text sent at 8:23 am)


China Motor

SHANGHAI (China) – China has set its new auto export record of selling nearly 5 million units by 2023, more than double what it did two years ago, in a move described as “crucial” in markets such as Latin America. The official newspaper of the country.

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(Text) (Video)


Information agenda

9:00 am- Madrid.- Housing situation.- The General Council of Notaries publishes data on housing sales by foreigners. (text)

9:25h.- Madrid.- Company managers.- The third day of the Wake Up Spain Forum organized by El Español and a day that brings together senior managers from the business world, with the participation of the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility Oscar Puente. Linares Palace in Madrid, headquarters of Casa America. (Text) (Photo) (Video)

10:00h.- Madrid.- MARKETS OUTLOOK.- JP Morgan AM's Director of Strategy for Spain and Portugal, Lucía Gutiérrez-Mellado, presents the manager's outlook for the second quarter. Paseo de la Castellana, 31 Madrid (Pyramid Building).

10:00h.- Madrid.- Chery Automotive.- Jordi Hireu, Minister of Industry and Tourism, receives a delegation from the Chinese company Chery and Ebro-EV Motors. Factory in Barcelona's Free Trade Zone. The meeting will also be attended by the Vice Governor of the Chinese province of Anhui, the Mayor of Wuhu and representatives of the Generalitat of Catalonia. (photograph)

10:00 am- Madrid.- Tourism employment.- Turespaña publishes a note on registered members linked to tourism activities for the month of March 2024 (text).

10:00 am- Madrid.- RATO CASE.- The investigation into the origin of the fortune of the former Vice President of the Provincial Court Rodrigo Rato, c/ Santiago de Compostela 96, continues in the Provincial Court of Madrid.

10:30 am- Madrid.- BAYER RESULTS.- Bayer holds its sales and operations press conference in 2023 exclusively at its Perlimate plant in Spain. The meeting will be attended by Bernardo Canahuati, CEO of Bayer in Spain and Portugal, and Protacio Rodríguez, General Director of Bayer Crop Science Iberia. Berlimed plant, Calle Francisco Alonso, 7, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).

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10:30 am- Madrid.- Workplace accidents.- CCOO presents an analysis of statistics on work accidents and occupational diseases. Fernandez de la Jose, 12.

11:00 am- Madrid.- ACS strategY.- ACS celebrates its Capital Markets Day 2024. (Text).

12:30h.- Madrid.- IBERIA PERSPECTIVES.- The President of Iberia, Marco Sansavini, presents the new Iberia space together with the Minister of Industry. Trade and Tourism, Jordi Hireu. Gran Via, 48. Madrid. (photograph)

12:30h.- Bilbao.- FOOD FAIR.- Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, opens the European Forum for Innovation in the Food Sector, which will take place at the Food 4 Future Fair. (Text) (Photo)




8:00 am- London.- United Kingdom Inflation.- The Office for National Statistics (ONS) releases the UK Inflation Index for March. (text)

11:00 am- Brussels.- EU INFLATION.- Eurostat publishes final inflation figures in the Eurozone for March. (text)

11:30 am- Frankfurt.- GERMANY DEBT.- Germany issues 30-year debt for 2,000 million euros (Text)

12:00h.- Paris.- OECD Unemployment.- The OECD publishes unemployment rates for its member countries and the system as a whole. (text)

AMSTERDAM.- NETHERLANDS SPAIN.- AMSTERDAM – King William Alexander and King Máxima welcomed King Felipe and King Letizia on their first state visit to the Netherlands, his first day focused on a visit to the Port of Amsterdam to promote cooperation on green hydrogen and hydrogen. Dinner at the Royal Palace. (Photo) (Video) (Audio)

ATHENS.- Greece strike.- The Greek private sector union GSEE is holding a 24-hour strike to demand government action against workers' wage hikes and generalized price hikes. (text)


20:00h.- Washington.- Federal Reserve.- Federal Reserve (Federal) publishes brown book on economic outlook.

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20:00h.- San José.- COSTA RICA EMIRATES.- Costa Rica and the United Arab Emirates signed a trade and investment agreement aimed at improving bilateral relations. Hotel Real Intercontinental (text) (photo) (video)

Washington.- IMF WB.- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are holding their spring meetings.

WASHINGTON.- USA AUTOMOBILE.- Workers at Volkswagen's only assembly plant in the U.S. will vote April 17-19 to decide whether to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) union.



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