The Subcommittee on Constitutional Impeachment announced the appearance of a report against the Chairman of the National Electoral Tribunal

The Subcommittee on Constitutional Impeachment announced the appearance of a report against the Chairman of the National Electoral Tribunal

Chairman of this working group, Lady Cammonspointed out that the complaint states that George Luis Salas Arena Fernando Dusta had hired Soldevilla as a consultant irregularly. This qualification report will now go to the Permanent Commission, which will decide whether it is approved or not.

The Subcommittee on Constitutional Impeachment The merits report raising the charge of aggravated conspiracy against the President was declared admissible in part National Election Commission (JNE), George Luis Salas ArenaThere were alleged irregularities in the hiring of a consultant.

The Executive Committee adopted the document with 12 in favour, 8 against and 2 abstentions. The complaint alleges that Salas Arenas was improperly hired FERNANDO DUSTA SOLDEVILLA as an adviser, in addition to seeking sanction against him for appointment Vicente Sanchez instead of Jorge Ramirez VelezAs Deputy Representative of Law Faculties of Private Universities.

In this regard, the chairman of the sub-committee, Lady CammonsThe report states that the JNE's president was admitted in part when he appointed Ramírez Velez because of the illegality of the appointment, designation, hiring or commissioning or acceptance of the case.

Report processing

He also pointed out that it was a complaint filed by a Member of Parliament Roselli Amurus (Avanza País) pointed out that the hiring of Fernando Dousta did not meet the requirements and exceeded the amount directly hired. He noted that the appearance of a report does not mean it has been approved.

“It is considered appropriate to announce that this is the case, and this qualification report should be careful to indicate that it evaluates whether or not the formal requirements are met, and does not refer to a statement about whether or not there is actually a violation, which will be clarified in the investigation process itself,” he said.

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He further said that he will be notified and will have an opportunity to defend himself. However, he said the subcommittee maintained its position that Salas Arenas should be considered qualified as the head of an organization of the electoral system.

In that way, he explained, the report will now be sent Standing Committee of the LegislatureIf it is approved, it sends the final report on the President's impeachment back to a subcommittee where a member of the legislature is appointed to assess it. National Election Commission.

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