El Peruano – Law promoting the strengthening, transparency and qualification of the civil service through the implementation of an integrated platform for the electronic management of human resources – Law – N° 31742 – Legal Section


Act no. 31742

President of the Republic

How much:

Republican Congress;

He gave the following law:

An Act to Promote Strength, Transparency and Merit in the Civil Service by Implementing an Integrated Platform for Electronic Management Reform

Article 1. Meaning of law

The objective of this Act is to implement an integrated platform for electronic management of human resources as part of the Human Resource Management System (SAGRH). Public institutions of the three levels of government, within the framework of the modernization of the state, the fight against corruption and the proper use of public resources.

Article 2. Application area

This law also includes public institutions mentioned in Act 30057, Civil Service Law and civil servants regardless of their relationship. It also includes state public institutions.

Article 3. Administration, design and implementation of the site

3.1 The National Civil Service Commission (SERVIR), as the governing body of the Human Resource Management Administration, is entrusted with the design and maintenance of the site, which will be financed with its own resources, as well as issuing regulations. The Site’s guiding principles regulate expression, content, functionality and progressive processing.

3.2 They form part of the content of the Site, as a minimum:

Yo. Administrative documents of public organizations are prepared within the framework of the human resource management management system, according to their powers.

ii Information generated during selection processes of candidates for public service, including audio and video recording of interviews.

iii file of Government servants from their incorporation to the termination of any public institution. This includes identity data, educational training (including degrees and titles), work experience, police, criminal and judicial records, administrative and/or regulatory sanctions and others as provided in the supplementary regulations.

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iv. Other constituencies or components provided by the Governing Body, within the framework of its powers.

Act 29733, the Personal Data Protection Act and any treatment inconsistent with its provisions, shall provide the Republic of Congress with real-time access to the site information referred to in this Act.

3.3 Objectives for Site Design:

Yo. Strengthen the planning and design of human resource policies in the public sector.

ii Facilitating oversight activities in SAGRH.

iii Providing support to human resource management processes responsible for human resource offices of public institutions.

iv. Provide greater transparency to citizens in human resource management.

3.4 The use of the Platform in public entities included in Article 2 shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions provided in the Regulation of this Law and the complementary regulations provided by SERVIR.

3.5 In accordance with the previous number, the Platform is available to citizens in accordance with Law 27806, Transparency and Public Access to Information. For the treatment of personal data, the necessary security measures are taken to avoid any treatment contrary to Act 29733, Personal Data Protection Act and its provisions.


Final fill

First. Complementary sources of information on human resources in the public sector

To consolidate public sector human resource data, the platform created by this Act is interoperable with the computerized application for centralized registration of wages and Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Public Sector Human Resources (AIRHSP) data and PDT. Ministry of Labor and Employment Development’s Electronic Pay Roll (MTPE). Operational guidelines have been established in the provisions of this Act, taking into account confidentiality, responsibility in application and progressive criteria in its implementation and organizational capabilities as per current regulations.

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When other institutions of administrative authority have centralized information necessary for the implementation of the site, they make it available to the National Civil Service Commission (SERVIR) free of charge and permanently, within the framework of their powers.

For the treatment of personal data, the necessary security measures are taken to avoid any treatment contrary to Act 29733, Personal Data Protection Act and its provisions.

Second. Regulation

Upon the proposal of the National Civil Service Commission (SERVIR), the Executive Branch approves the regulation within a period not exceeding ninety business days counted from its enactment.

Inform the President for its promulgation.

Dated at Lima, the twenty-fourth day of April, two thousand and twenty-three.

Jose Daniel Williams Zapata

President of Republican Congress

Martha Lupe Moyano Delgado

First Vice-President of the Republican Congress

To the President


The command is published and compliant.

Given at Government House, Lima, this sixteenth day of May, in the year two thousand and twenty-three.

Tina Ersilia Polwart Zegarra

President of the Republic


Chairman of the Council of Ministers



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