Executive accepts Vicente Romero’s resignation as Interior Minister | Audit | Republican Congress | Tina Poluiarte | Latest | principle

Executive accepts Vicente Romero’s resignation as Interior Minister |  Audit |  Republican Congress |  Tina Poluiarte |  Latest |  principle

He Administrative authority Supreme Resolution No. By 172-2023-PCM, the resignation was accepted Vicente Romero for the post of Home Minister. The move comes after Congress approved the censure of the officer on November 15.

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“Mr. Accept the resignation of Vicente Romero Fernández as Minister of State in the Office of the Interior; Thanks to him for his services to the nation.”He reads the resolution.

As recalled, Congress (75 votes in favor, 28 votes against and 14 abstentions) had Romero Fernandez as Interior Minister. The groups argued that the officer showed lack of leadership and the ability to fight against the insecurity of citizens.

In this situation, Minister Romero used his social networks to announce his resignation. He also took the opportunity to thank Tina Polwart, the president of Peru.

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“I submit my resignation from the position of Minister of Interior, confirming my commitment to serve until the last minute of my administration. “The fight against crime and organized crime creates a process of progressive decisions and is multifaceted.”he wrote on Twitter.

According to the criterion of

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