Eye-opening discovery: Old stars may be home to extraterrestrial life

Eye-opening discovery: Old stars may be home to extraterrestrial life

Scientists have come to new conclusions about complex life forms in space. details.

Stars, space. Photo by Unsplash.

He Space It is infinite space, full Secrets. Now, new research suggests finding out Extraterrestrial life You should explore the stars middle age and beyond. This will change everything Science A reader of others Life forms It contains in space.

A recent study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters Light on Magnetic Phenomena and livable environments. The result reveals that the current magnetic environment around The star is 51 PegasiWhere The first exoplanet in 1995, may be particularly favorable to Development of complex life forms.

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Old stars may be home to life in space

The study explains that the stars like it Sol are born with Fast rotationBuilds strength Magnetic fields can cause explosions, affect them Planetary systems. After billions of years, ROtation decreases Due gradually Magnetic braking A caused surface air, Circulation and weakens both magnetic field.

Unravel the star, sun photo.A star's slow rotation creates a weak magnetic field. Photo: Unsplash.

Now, the slow rotation produces a Weak magnetic field And both traits continue to diminish, each feeding off the other. Until recently, astronomers said Magnetic braking This continues indefinitely, but new observations are beginning to question this belief.

“How we rewrite textbooks Cycle And this Magnetism In old stars such as Sol “Move beyond midlife,” said the panel leader Travis Metcalfe, a senior research scientist at the White Dwarf Research Institute. “Our results will be there Important effects for that Stars cheater Planetary systems and its growth prospects Advanced civilizations” he concluded.

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Klaus StrassmeierDirector of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany, and co-author of the study, explained, “This is because Weak magnetic braking Further Constellation chokes the wind and creates them Destructive explosive events Sean less likely”.

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What is the course about?

A team of astronomers from America and Europe made the observations together 51 Pegasus Transiting exoplanet probe satellite (TESS) from NASA With sophisticated measurements of its magnetic field carried out by Large Telescope (LBT) Arizona uses the PEPSI instrument (Potstum Echel Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument).

Night sky, stars.  Photo: UnsplashA team of astronomers from the United States and Europe combined observations of 51 Pegasi. Photo: Unsplash

In observations extraterrestrial 51 orbiting Pegasi, detected even though it does not pass in front of its star from Earth's point of view Subtle brightness variations By star TESS application. These can be used to measure the radius, mass and age of a star, a technique that Astrology

Now, the previous observations NASA's Kepler Space Telescope They suggested that Magnetic braking Beyond that can be significantly weakened Age of the Sun, breaking the close relationship between rotation and magnetism in old stars. However, the evidence for this change was indirect and based on measurements Stellar rotation rate with width Age limit.

The Des mission He started collecting Measurements Inside 2018like Kepler observationsBut for the closest and brightest stars in the sky, incl 51 Pegasus.

Planets, Jupiter and Saturn, Astronomy, Space, ReutersThe TESS mission began collecting measurements in 2018. Photo by Reuters.

The team used PEPSI on the LBT to measure the magnetic fields of TESS targets, revealing surprising changes in magnetic braking in stars slightly younger than the Sun. These changes were said to be unexpected. trouble In Strength and complexity of magnetic fieldand its impact star wind

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Measured properties 51 Pegasus It indicates that he experienced this change in direction weak magnetic braking, Similar to ours Sol. These observations provide a new understanding of how Magnetism Among stars like him Sol as They are getting old.


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