Flaco’ Granda Sends His Little Girl To Mr. Pete: “I Don’t Deal With Disrespect” | Peter Arevalo | Giancarlo Granda | Trome interview | Video | Showbiz | programs

Flaco’ Granda Sends His Little Girl To Mr. Pete: “I Don’t Deal With Disrespect” |  Peter Arevalo |  Giancarlo Granda |  Trome interview |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

‘Flaco’ Granda returns for revenge on ‘The Great Chef’, says Magali’s criticism doesn’t bother him, Mr. Pete also says that if he’s wrong, he’s right to apologize. He filters comments on social networks because he doesn’t want to be insulted.

“The truth is I’m very happy. I have Flaco Granda’s YouTube channel, the radio show, I’m going back to ‘The Great Chef.’ The truth is, I don’t know where this skinny guy gets his energy from. The journalist said.

TROME – ‘Flaco’ Granda responds to Magali Medina

How do you take Magali Madina’s criticism? He said you were unprepared in your interview with little Carrera

Who criticized me? Makali? I haven’t seen Magali’s review and I still thank her… but didn’t Magali sit with Paolo Hurtado?

Yes definitely…

‘Bleach’ is what it is… but no, it’s all good. I always say, I take criticism well, if they want to criticize me it’s valid, if Magali wants to talk about me, it gives me more views.

Doesn’t that bother you?

I’ll let the interviewer tell his version and let the people make up their own minds. I am neither a vigilante nor a judiciary that decides whether someone is guilty or innocent.

Mr. What do you think about what happened to Pete?

I believe there is a very thin line between respect and lack of respect in networks and everyone knows how to handle it. I love Mr. Pete very much, he has come through my channel, I have interviewed him, if he made a mistake then it is valid to apologize, we can make mistakes, we are human. Now, as I say, ‘when you say something, you have to consider the consequences of what you say’.

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It all started with a comment on social media made during a live show.

For me, when I do ‘live’ I filter the comments a lot, I don’t deal with disrespect. I’m not going to sit and be humiliated just because he gave me 5 feet.

DROME – Flaco Granda spills his thoughts on life

Do you have that filter to avoid these types of comments?

Avoid being insulted because whoever gives me 5 soles has no right to insult me. If there are people who accept it, it’s valid, and that’s their way of doing journalism. Mine goes the other way. I enjoy being called skinny and block out insulting comments.

You were on Eric (Ozoras) and Gonzalo (Nunez)’s plan and you must have had a good lead because they waved you around…

Yes, to a certain extent. They called me, I thanked them, I went, I didn’t have such a good time because I didn’t like them attacking me with their comments, but I took that risk to see if I enjoyed myself when I went. Isn’t it. I didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t go back. I’m not going to sit where people insult me.

Giancarlo Granda: He weighs 46kg, they said he can’t appear on TV because he’s skinny, and today Cole broke it on Peru and YouTube. (Photo: Johnny Vallee)

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