Fundamentals of Teaching Technology, Mathematics – Universo – UV News System

Fundamentals of Teaching Technology, Mathematics – Universo – UV News System
  • Speakers said it encourages collaboration among students, inclusion and connection to their environment.
  • There were applications submitted Mateflix, Pythagoras in your pocket Y Khan Academy

Sergio Galindo spoke about Jimenez Software Offline Mateflix

Text and photos: Paola Cortés Pérez

09/25/2023, Xalapa, Ver.- Technology platforms and applications can be a significant tool for the teaching-learning process of mathematics, as they improve collaborative work, content and connection with its context, explained the participants in the “Technology in Mathematics Teaching” table.

In this session held within the framework of the 1st Veracruzano Educational Mathematics Congress held at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), Sergio Galindo Jimenez from the Escuela Normal Superior Veracruzana (ENSV), “Dr. . Manuel Suarez Trujillo”; Erik García De Rafael, high school teacher and graduate of the UV Faculty of Mathematics; Guadalupe Hernández Miranda and Lorena Pazós Andrade are teachers of the “Luis J. Jiménez” Elementary School in the city of Xalapa.

Sergio Galindo, ENSV “Dr. Manuel Suarez Trujillo”, delivered a speech “Mateflix. Opportunity to teach and learn fractions at a telesecondary with MultiGrade in Veracruz.

He explained that a Software offline (does not require internet access to run), inspired by the site Streaming Netflix. Every student can test their skills, knowledge and attitudes through educational games and under the guidance of a teacher. At the same time, this app connects the school with the community for multifaceted learning.

Here’s how Eric García de Rafael explained the application Pythagoras in your pocket Helped apply the theorem in everyday situations

At the time, Eric Garcia spoke about the project.Pythagoras in your pocket“, this is an application Skilled In this the Pythagorean Theorem is applied and implemented, allowing us to obtain unknown quantities in various contexts and their sources etc Excel, Offsheet Y App Finder.

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“Using new technologies in learning engages and motivates students, especially now that we live in a technological era where children are already born with an electronic device.”

He said that it is important to share mathematical knowledge and understanding with students so that they can own it and apply it in real situations in their environment.

Finally, Guadalupe Hernandez Miranda gave the speech “Khan Academy and Meaningful Learning of Mathematics: A Proposal for Intervention in Elementary Education”, which is linked to the contents and development and learning processes of Phase 4 (third and fourth grades) proposed by the New Mexican School.

He noted that teaching this subject is primary because it is part of the environment and that is why it helps us understand the world and solve problems that are part of everyday life.

The teachers of the “Luis J. Jimenez” Elementary School are Lorena Pazos and Guadalupe Hernandez.

platform Khan Academy It contains methodological and theoretical components that guide the development and implementation of didactic sequences that allow practicing and acquiring mathematical learning relevant to stage 4 of primary school.

Meaningful learning of mathematics integrates the school with the community, he said, and creates fraternal citizenship that affects family and community relationships.

“The availability and use of digital platforms is not limited to the school, rather, it should be integrated into everyday activities; therefore, the challenge of this proposal is to ensure that students have a more active role,” he concluded.


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