Future Week: Fernando Peirano Bariloche participates in a program of action with the Scientific and Technological Ecosystem.

Future Week: Fernando Peirano Bariloche participates in a program of action with the Scientific and Technological Ecosystem.

Within the framework of the federal and inter-ministerial proposal of the “Future Week”, a day of exchange and discussion open to the community was held through work tables, permanent exhibitions and tours of the sites. Science and Technology.

Fernando Peirano, President of the R+D+i Agency; Mayor Gustavo Genusso; Undersecretary for Manufacturing Innovation, Eugenia Ordonez; Under Secretary for Policy, Ministry of Science; Cecilia Sleeman; Vice Rector of the National University of Rio Negro, Diego Aguirre; National Youth League Executive Director Julia Epstein and Chief Executive Aldana Martino.

During the event, the head of the R+D+i agency promised: “We expect to recognize the city of Bariloche as the capital of science, because it honors the emblematic institutions of scientific development in Argentina, such as INVAP. The Balseiro Institute and its two national universities.

Regarding the week of the future, which proposes to think about the productivity of our country, he added: “Undoubtedly, if we want to think about the future, we must look at Bariloche and the growing entire Patagonian region. Contributing to the better use of not only basic science, but also daily solutions.

Extension of consultation and support of R+D+i Agency

The state of Rio Negro received 292 awards between 2020 and 2023, with a total contribution of 2,100 million pesos for scientific and technological research projects. Of these, 230 represent projects in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, contributing a total of 1,500 million pesos through funding for scientific and technological research.

“Argentina’s future is expressing and valuing ideas to raise skills,” said the head of the R+D+i agency. In turn, regarding the role of Bariloche in the scientific and technological system, Peirano highlighted: “Today 260 projects are being developed in different institutions of Bariloche with the contribution of the agency for more than 1,500 million pesos, which contribute to the creation of future opportunities. In Argentina, with sustainable, integrated and inclusive development”.

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Pariloch’s manufacturing sector

FAB LAB is a digital manufacturing lab that provides a collaborative workspace for designing, testing, and implementing projects with 3D printing and laser cutting prototype machines.

The workshop shed of the Federal Productive Network Co Construir Hábitat, established in 2019 to promote productive initiatives in the forestry sector and housing construction, works in the historical carpentry of the National Parks.

The Federal Productive Network is implementing a project of social innovation of local pine wood ready-made components, based on the joint technical development of cooperatives in collaboration with the research group led by Paula Beilopet of the University’s Center for Research and Study of Culture and Society. Córdoba and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). The project received support from the agency for its development.

At UNRN’s Andean headquarters, officials visited a semi-anechoic chamber for electromagnetic compatibility tests unique in the region.

Finally, meet UNRN researchers at the University of Fernando Peirano to talk about their projects and new initiatives, and tell them about the agency’s latest news.

The Week of the Future is a proposal organized by the Argentina Futura project, which depends on the leadership; National Institute for Promotion of Research,
Technological Development and Innovation, National Council of Universities; United Nations Organization; Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Ministry of Education; Secretariat for Strategic Affairs and Economic and Social Council.


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