Elizabeth Gutierrez: Actress’s Comeback With William Levy’s Kids | Celebrities | programs

Elizabeth Gutierrez: Actress’s Comeback With William Levy’s Kids |  Celebrities |  programs


Elizabeth Gutierrez took to her social networks to show her pride in the sporting achievement of her son Christopher, William Levy’s eldest heir.

Elizabeth Gutierrez and William Levy shared their pride on social media after their eldest son Christopher achieved an important sporting achievement. The actress did not hesitate to share her happiness and reappeared with her successors.

The 17-year-old took first place in a major youth baseball tournament, which moved the Mexican-born actress and Cuban heartthrob.

Elizabeth Gutierrez has proud news for her son Christopher

“How proud I am of you. I am so happy for you and your teammates. You deserve that win. Thank you to everyone for giving us such an amazing season. I love you with all my heart”, wrote Elizabeth Gutierrez He has three and a half million followers on his Instagram account.

Elizabeth Gutierrez and William Levy They took to social media to brag about their eldest son Christopher after achieving an important sporting achievement.

A 17-year-old boy A major youth baseball tournament took first place, which moved the Mexican-born actress and Cuban heartthrob.

William Levy shows his closeness to both his children

Levi maintains a close and special relationship with his 13-year-old children Christopher and Kylie, to whom he dedicated emotional words in an episode he starred in the original Canela TV series Mi vida.

“I think this is the most beautiful relationship I’ve ever had in my life. It’s a relationship where there’s no passion, or they love you just for loving you, and the only thing they want from you is affection and love. And it’s mutual, because the only thing I want is: love and Love. I want nothing more than that.”He pointed out.

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“It’s a good relationship, very close, very open. It’s a relationship where we tell each other everything. I’m very close to them,” he said.he added.

Video by William Levy


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