“Green carbon”, an innovative technology for medical applications

“Green carbon”, an innovative technology for medical applications

Our website uses its own and third-party cookies to ensure its proper functioning and to track users.

You can get more information about cookies here Google In the following link:


The use of cookies by the main office of Google, Inc. in the United States. Involves the transmission of users' personal data to the Company.

Google is committed to compliant processing of European citizens' data Standard Contractual Clauses Accepted by the European Commission for international data transfers between a controller established in the EU and a processor outside the EU.

You can access the content of Standard Contractual Clauses In the following link:

Google: https://privacy.google.com/businesses/controllerterms/mccs/

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that websites install on the computer or mobile device of users who visit them. Cookies make it possible, among other things, to remember the user's actions and preferences (login ID, language, font size and other display preferences) so that the user does not have to reconfigure them when they return to the site. Or browse its pages.

Specific applications of these technologies are described below.

What types of cookies does our website use?

Cookies on our website fall into two general categories:

Technically necessary cookies: No user approval required.

Non-essential cookies: User consent is required in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Technically necessary cookies

Technical cookies enable basic functions such as navigation on the website and accessing and using the various options or services available on it.

Installation of technical cookies does not require user consent.

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These types of cookies used on our website include:

Name supplier Purpose will expire
catAccCookies own Insert a cookie whose purpose is to check whether the cookie policy has been accepted. 30 days
PHPSESSID own This cookie is used by the PHP language and allows session variables to be identified and associated with data on the server. This cookie is essential for the website to function. (end of session or 24 hours)

Non-essential cookies

Installation of non-essential cookies requires users' consent.

Our website uses Analytical cookies: They allow website owners to track and analyze user behavior and how they interact with web pages.

Our website uses Advertising Cookies: Allow us to track and collect visitors' actions on the website in order to provide a more personalized user experience according to the information collected.

These types of cookies used on our website include:

Name supplier Purpose will expire
hwp_new Holler box This cookie allows you to manage the display of notifications and banner bars to new visitors. You can disable it in your browser settings. one day
hwp_visit Holler box This cookie is used to manage the display of notifications and banner bars for returning visitors. You can disable it in your browser settings. A week
IDE Double clickGoogle Inc. This cookie is used to record and report a user's actions on the website after viewing or clicking on one of the advertiser's ads in order to measure the effectiveness of the ad and deliver specific ads to the user. 13 months
_jit Google Analytics This cookie is used to distinguish visitors to the website. It collects data including the number of users, the source they came from and the pages visited in anonymous form, and it stores information about how users use the website to create an analytical report on how it is performing. 24 hours
_year Google Analysis This cookie is intended to measure interactions with advertisements on our domain and prevent advertisements from being shown to you multiple times. 13 months
DSID Google Inc. This cookie is used to identify the user logged in on non-Google sites and to remember whether the user has accepted advertising personalization. 2 weeks
_Ga Google Analytics This cookie allows us to distinguish one user from another by their browser. User is considered as another user only if he changes browser 2 years
_Cat Google Analytics This cookie is used to control the rate of requests on high traffic websites. 10 minutes
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If you decide to refuse the use of cookies, only those cookies strictly necessary for the functioning of the website will be installed.

Likewise, you can allow, block or delete cookies that are not technically necessary by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer. Depending on which browser you are using, you can follow one of the following links:

From Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias

From Chrome http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

From Safari https://support.apple.com/es-es/guide/safari/sfri11471/13.0/mac/10.15

Explorer from https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Other monitoring technologies

Cookies are not the only technology we use to track the behavior of users of our website. We use other tracking technologies, such as web beacons, either directly or through third parties with whom we contract. These technologies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our online marketing campaigns and create more relevant content for our users.

You may update your communication preferences and withdraw your consent to use the tracking functionality by contacting [email protected].


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