Guyana | Suriname | South America | Only 2 countries in South America drive on the left like England and India | Latin America | Australia | Europe | Asia | Africa | British Colony | Which countries drive on the right | World | the world

Guyana |  Suriname |  South America |  Only 2 countries in South America drive on the left like England and India |  Latin America |  Australia |  Europe |  Asia |  Africa |  British Colony |  Which countries drive on the right |  World |  the world

Many countries around the world, especially those with a British colonial history, follow the reverse driving rule. Photo: Composite of Fabrizio Oviedo/La República/El País

On a continent where roads and highways mandate right-of-way, two countries must break the mold. With the exception of two South American countries, where Driving on the left is the rule, a fact for those with geographical interests, but a fascinating chapter in the history of colonial influence and the formation of national identities. This note shows the reasons behind the uniqueness of this road and looks at how these countries keep alive the tradition of connecting them to distant places like England and India. Australiaamong others.

Most Latin American countries follow the rule of driving on the right, as do many territories in Europe, America and Asia, with two countries in the South American subcontinent as exceptions. This trait places them in a unique group globally, and undoubtedly adds an extra layer of interest to tourists and students of international culture and customs.

There are 7 countries in the US that drive on the left. Photo: Motormania

Which countries in South America drive on the left?

Guyana and Suriname They stand out on the map of South America for a reason beyond their cultural and natural diversity: they Territories only In which you drive on the left. Unlike their neighbors, they have preserved this practice, a remnant of their colonial past. GuyanaKnown by many as the 'Dubai' of South America due to its impressive economic growth and development. Surinam, the least vast and least populated country in the region. Both constitute a case study in how colonial traditions and traditions continue to influence current social norms and structures.

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Countries of the world that drive on the left. Photo: World Standards/Statista

Why do these countries drive on the left instead of the right like most?

Following are the reasons for left hand driving in Guyana and Suriname Historical and cultural. The British influenceIn Guyana a is the primary factor, while in Suriname, it is despite Dutch colony, various circumstances compounded this uniqueness, including commercial and administrative exchanges with British territories in the Caribbean. While in Europe, the French Revolution marked a shift towards right-wing driving, these South American countries maintained British heritage and showed how the colonial legacy left an indelible mark on everyday aspects such as traffic regulations.

Which countries in the world drive on the left?

The practice of driving on the left is not limited to Guyana and Suriname in the United States. Globally, many countries, especially those with a British colonial history, follow this norm. This phenomenon reflects a mosaic of colonial histories and administrative decisions that led to the division of the world map by borders and the direction its inhabitants drove.


  • United Kingdom (England, Scotland and Ireland)
  • Cyprus
  • Malta


  • Uganda
  • Kenya
  • Mauricio
  • Mozambique
  • Seychelles
  • Tanzania
  • South Africa



  • Bahamas
  • Falkland Islands
  • Bermuda
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Jamaica
  • Guyana
  • Surinam


  • India
  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Japan

Which countries have the most left-handed people in the world?

According to a study by Statista, approximately 12% of the world's population is estimated to be left-handed, although the percentage varies by country. The data shows that the Netherlands has the highest number of left-handed people in the world at 13.2%.

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