Heroes with technology: Tijuana firefighters save people and pets

Heroes with technology: Tijuana firefighters save people and pets

Same job, but with more advanced technology. Photos: Featured.

EMEEQUIS.– After the pandemic, the incidence of traffic accidents has increased significantly. However, containing The right equipment Attending these types of accidents can make a difference in saving lives. In this context, cities etc Tijuana enhances their immediate reaction teams.

Only in 2022, The most recent date recorded by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Recorded 377 mill 231 Road accidentsThere were 5 thousand 181 people died Y 19,501 people were injured.

This means that in 2022 there were approx 1033 accidents transportation per day, 14.19 daily deaths and 53.4 injuries. For their part, cities like Tijuana have invested in changing their teams to provide more timely responses.

In 2019, Year of Global Crisis, Number of Accidents 362 mill 792, Inside 2020, Number of accidents recorded due to confinement 301 mill 678. Meanwhile inside 2021, The number increased during registration 340 mill 415 And inside 2022 The amount was 377 mill 231 Road accidents.

Tijuana: Intervention in 173 accidents

After incorporating state-of-the-art vehicle recovery technology, The Tijuana Fire Department has intervened andn 173 accidents, It manages to significantly reduce the extraction time of people trapped or compressed in their vehicles. With this new equipment, their goal is to provide accurate and timely care in vehicle accidents, thereby increasing the chances of survival for those involved.


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Rafael Carrillo Venegas, The fire chief explained that the equipment acquired by the government of Tijuana has auxiliary hydraulic equipment Divide people Vehicle Contents:

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“This is a hydraulic piece of equipment that we use to remove people from vehicles and metal structures, commonly known as the Jaws of Life. This kit is made up of an electric expander, a telescopic ram and a cutter; We're betting on buying four more.”

Animals are safe

During a video podcast broadcast “Transparent Tijuana”, Carrillo Villegas highlighted that the work of fire department members goes beyond putting out fires and rescuing people. It was emphasized that they also help care for pets in hazardous areas.

This year, in 2024, the Corporation members have redeemed 4 people2 animals By 2023, people trapped in fire-affected areas or injured in accidents, falls or escapes from homes 250 Interventions aimed at saving the lives of a variety of animal species include everything from vipers and raccoons to roosters, dogs and cats.

“Some high-risk pet services have gone up, and we know of these cases through citizen reports from animal owners or neighbors or people passing through the area.”

They are not recovered as well

The fire chief also insisted An animal is not redeemed like a human being. Therefore, it is important to train members in pet rescue Specific skills. He also emphasized the need to know the appropriate tools and equipment to carry out animal rescue operations effectively.

Prevent fires and explosions

Carrilo Venegas also noted that learning to recognize is important Gas leaks and 2023 to prevent serious incidents in homes such as fire, explosions or poisoning 3,568 services due to leaks, in 2024, this number reached 178 cases.

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Regarding carbon monoxide inhalation incidents this winter, Tijuana firefighters responded to six cases, one of which involved the loss of four family members. This tragic event underscores the importance of immediate attention and public awareness of the dangers associated with this gas.




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