How much does it cost to buy the same products in Peru compared to Spain, USA, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia?

How much does it cost to buy the same products in Peru compared to Spain, USA, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia?
The analysis details how the prices of milk, meat, bread and many other essentials vary across six different countries, revealing surprising differences.

Have you ever wondered how prices of goods vary in different countries? Eager to pay More or less for those articles At other latitudes this is common to many of us. Although consumption habits and cultural diversity are different, a Unity in many products All over the world.

Augustine MassaJournalist InfobayHe undertook this comparative study by analyzing the prices of a selection of 18 products in major supermarket chains. USA, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. Brands with stock to ensure a fair comparison All markets were analyzed. However, in cases where equivalents do not exist or where local options are more appropriate, preference is given National offer.

Although absolute prices are low in some countries, the relationship between minimum wage and average income reveals that the economic situation of citizens may be more complex than it appears.

The results revealed an interesting surprise, finding the most economical basket of products Peru43.56 dollars (S/ 161.43), showing a difference of 27.49% compared to America. However, with a The minimum monthly salary is 277.8 dollars (Equivalent to S/ 1,025), our country has the third lowest minimum wage in Latin America, surpassed only by Argentina and Venezuela. This means that while products are cheaper in absolute terms, this savings does not necessarily translate into greater purchasing power for Peruvians.

In fact, the basket of these products is almost mirrored 12% of the average income of a Peruvian worker. Hence, it is clear that the cheapest country in terms of basic products is not always the most economical for its citizens.

  • US: $61.94 (S/229.55)
  • Colombia: 54.55 dollars (S/ 202.16)
  • Mexico: 53.78 dollars (S/ 199.31)
  • Spain: 48.47 dollars (S/ 179.63)
  • Argentina: 45.35 dollars (S/ 168.07)
  • Peru: 43.56 dollars (S/ 161.43)

Milk (1 L)

A new bottle of milk highlighted in dairy products as a symbol of nutrition and an important source of calcium. Indispensable in the basic basket, it represents the basic foods for a balanced diet. Keywords: milk bottle, dairy products, food, nutrition, basic basket, food, drink, calcium. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $2.83
  • Argentina: 1.07 dollars
  • Spain: 1 dollar
  • Mexico: $1.30
  • Colombia: $1.38
  • Peru: 1.57 dollars
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Roti Roti (500 gm.)

A fresh and aromatic loaf of bread on the kitchen counter captures the essence of homemade bread. Perfect for breakfasts and snacks, this basic dish, rich in nutrients and made with fine flours, symbolizes the warmth of home and the importance of a balanced diet. Keywords: bread flour, kitchen counter, breakfast, snack, baking, flour, food, diet, nutrition, diet, cooking, basic basket, price. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • US: $1.98
  • Argentina: $3.66
  • Spain: $1.74
  • Mexico: $3.02
  • Colombia: $2.02
  • Peru: $3.38

Minced meat (1 kg)

  • USA: $11.84
  • Argentina: $5.92
  • Spain: $8.87
  • Mexico: $6.46
  • Colombia: $9.74
  • Peru: $5.35

Oil (1 L.)

Importance of choosing foods to eat helps reduce health risks – Credit Freepik
  • USA: $2.80
  • Argentina: $1.89
  • Spain: $2.42
  • Mexico: $3.52
  • Colombia: $2.88
  • Peru: $2.43

Fidios (500 grams)

A set of noodles on the kitchen counter represents a staple and versatile dish in the daily diet. Pasta is essential for a balanced diet that provides nutrition and satisfaction at an affordable price. Keywords: noodles, pasta, food, food, nutrition, diet, cooking, basic basket, price, balanced diet. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • US: $1.94
  • Argentina: $1.11
  • Spain: $1.47
  • Mexico: $1.69
  • Colombia: $2.00
  • Peru: $1.39

Pollo (Kg.)

Raw chicken, an essential food in many households, is facing a hike in prices due to inflation. Nutrition and health are affected as consumers struggle with rising costs. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $3.54
  • Argentina: $1.87
  • Spain: $5.33
  • Mexico: $2.61
  • Columbia: $3.95
  • Peru: $3.02


  • United States: $0.51
  • Argentina: $0.40
  • Spain: 0.27 dollars
  • Mexico: $0.29
  • Colombia: $0.55
  • Peru: 0.43 dollars

Coffee (270 grams)

An open coffee package next to beans scattered on the kitchen counter captures the aroma and essence of one of life's simpler pleasures. Perfect for starting the day or as an energizing snack, coffee is a staple in the basic basket, offering flavor and nutrition at an affordable price. Keywords: coffee package, coffee beans, kitchen counter, breakfast, snack, food, food, nutrition, food, kitchen, basic basket, price. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • US: $4.92
  • Argentina: $3.29
  • Spain: $1.99
  • Mexico: $9.68
  • Colombia: $6.31
  • Peru: $3.48
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Meat (1 kg)

A bag of flour on the kitchen counter highlights its important role in the daily diet. Important to a variety of recipes, this culinary staple represents nutrition and economy in modern cooking. Keywords: flour bag, kitchen counter, food, food, nutrition, food, kitchen, basic basket, price, cooking. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $2.12
  • Argentina: 1.08 dollars
  • Spain: $0.76
  • Mexico: $1.24
  • Colombia: $1.12
  • Peru: $1.94

Toilet paper (6 units)

Papelera Reyes should correct itself and immediately stop the advertising campaign promoting false information about the length of its products. (Freepik)
  • United States: $5.77
  • Argentina: $3.90
  • Spain: $4.57
  • Mexico: $5.88
  • Columbia: $2.97
  • Peru: $2.17

Rice (1 kg)

A packet of white rice rests on a kitchen counter, illustrating its role as a staple in the daily diet. This basic ingredient is key to a balanced diet, providing essential nutrition at an affordable price for everyone. Keywords: Rice Packet, White Rice, Food, Diet, Nutrition, Food, Cooking, Basic Basket, Price, Daily Meal. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $1.87
  • Argentina: $3.79
  • Spain: $1.39
  • Mexico: $1.24
  • Colombia: $1.61
  • Peru: $1.51

Eggs (x6)

A basket of fresh eggs highlights their importance as a source of protein and an essential part of the diet. Perfect for any kitchen, these poultry products are a staple of the basic basket, providing nutrition at an affordable price. Keywords: Egg Basket, Poultry Products, Protein, Food, Food, Nutrition, Food, Cooking, Basic Basket, Price. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • USA: $1.60
  • Argentina: $0.96
  • Spain: $2.18
  • Mexico: $1.42
  • Colombia: $1.28
  • Peru: 1.53 dollars

Sugar (1 kg)

White and Brown Sugar (Shutterstock)
  • US: $1.79
  • Argentina: $0.98
  • Spain: $1.59
  • Mexico: $3.20
  • Colombia: $1.50
  • Peru: $1.40
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Chaal (1 kg)

Descriptive image information
  • US: $1.98
  • Argentina: 1.26 dollars
  • Spain: $0.38
  • Mexico: $1.60
  • Colombia: $0.60
  • Peru: $0.59

Tomatoes (1 kg)

A bowl full of fresh tomatoes sitting on the kitchen counter symbolizes the importance of adding fruits and vegetables to our diet. These vegetables, essential to a balanced diet, stand out for their nutritional contribution and their accessibility in the basic basket. Keywords: bowl, fresh tomatoes, kitchen counter, fruits, vegetables, vegetables, food, food, nutrition, food, kitchen, basic basket, price. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $5.47
  • Argentina: 1.66 dollars
  • Spain: $2.13
  • Mexico: $2.07
  • Colombia: $1.66
  • Peru: $0.84

Bath soap

The soap bar located in the bathroom is an essential element for daily washing. This reflects the importance of personal hygiene and skin care, which is an essential part of basic household items. This reflects the available access and various prices. Keywords: soap, bath, wash, bathing, basic products, personal hygiene, prices, skin care, daily hygiene, accessibility. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $1.37
  • Argentina: $1.16
  • Spain: $0.97
  • Mexico: $1.50
  • Colombia: $1.48
  • Peru: 1.22 dollars


A bottle of shampoo is kept in the bathroom, highlighting its important role in personal hygiene and hair care routine. This essential hair care product highlights the importance of choosing the right regimen for optimal hair health. Keywords: shampoo bottle, bath, hair care, hair, hair, basic products, personal hygiene, prices, hair health, hair care. (Illustration Image Infobae)
  • United States: $5.63
  • Argentina: $6.33
  • Spain: $5.91
  • Mexico: $4.50
  • Colombia: $7.15
  • Peru: $5.68

Pasta Tooth

Image via Wikipedia Commons.

  • US: $3.98
  • Argentina: $4.84
  • Spain: $5.47
  • Mexico: $3.32
  • Colombia: $6.32
  • Peru: $5.64

behind International distributionPeruvian homes were hit hard increase in price Wide range of products. Food costs were significantly higher and reached 13%, from 2022 to mid-2023.


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