How to cook food in space? The astronaut interprets it from the space station

To go to space a Physical and mental training. Be prepared to help astronauts deal with them conditions Adverse living conditions in space. Among the important factors to maintain are: diets.

Astronaut via video released by NASA Frank Rubio, It tells how they feed thousands of kilometers from the surface.

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According to the channel National GeographicFood eaten in space They are special and must be manufactured and stored under strict standards. Some of the characteristics that foods should have are, preferably, They should not add more than 2,500 calories.In addition, they should be equally loaded with vitamins and minerals.

In this case, Frank Rubio, An astronaut of Salvadoran descent broke the record Longest space flight Created by an American astronaut 371 days in orbit, Shared on NASA Channel in Spanish How food is prepared on board.

Rubio said food is normally prepared in the spacecraft's Node 1. A node is a gallery or all-purpose room where the astronauts prepare and eat together.

As shown in the post, the food is wrapped in bags To protect from radiation of the space station. Each packaging has instructions explaining the amount of cooking water.

According to Frank, after pouring water into the dish, wait a few minutes in an oven until it is ready. In the company of solid foods, you can drink drinks like fruit juices.

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Generally, we try to eat three meals twice a day and spend time together

“Usually, we try to eat two or three times a day and spend time together,” Rubio said.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains that astronauts They can choose different types of food Fruits, nuts, chicken, beef, seafood, sweets etc. Likewise, they promise to be one of the best drinks available Coffee, tea, orange juice or lemonade.

It should be noted that astronauts must eat Zero gravity. “We use tape or adhesive Velcro to keep the food directly on the table,” he clarifies. Without it, it would be very difficult to prepare dishes that revolve around them.

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Is food in space good or bad?

To me the food in space was very healthy and very tasty.

“The food in space was very healthy and very tasty for me,” he says, because he was able to enjoy the food for 10 months, because he is back on another space mission.

For some, however, Rubio accepts it The taste of food changes And it is necessary to use condiments, sauces and salt, which is in a liquid state and available for use.

The Salvadoran astronaut explains that each team member can store their favorite foods in boxes to use when needed.

Laura Natalia Quintero Ariza.

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