Hurricane Otis | Acapulco | Mexico | Tragedy of uninformed Peruvians after Hurricane Otis passes Acapulco | the world

Hurricane Otis |  Acapulco |  Mexico |  Tragedy of uninformed Peruvians after Hurricane Otis passes Acapulco |  the world

He Hurricane OtisIt caused a landslide in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero on Wednesday the 25th and devastated the resort of Paradise. AcapulcoLeaving a trail of death, destruction and despair.

Meera: How Otis went from a tropical storm to a powerful Category 5 hurricane within hours of hitting Acapulco

At least 27 people are dead and four are missing, according to the report, and thousands of foreigners at the tourist resort were without information for several hours because of the emergency.

About 38 Peruvian businessmen traveled to the city on Monday to participate in the XXXV International Mining Conference Mexico 2023, invited by Bromperu. It has been reported that 18 of them were uncontactable from Wednesday night to Thursday morning on the 26th.

For example, relatives of Javier Vega Cisneros contacted the RPP radio station to report the businessman’s disappearance on Wednesday morning. As of noon Thursday, both his relatives and representatives of Peru’s embassy in Mexico were unable to contact him.

Giannina Villamonte, wife of Vega Cisneros, showed different television channels the messages and audios her husband sent her before he lost contact with her. In an audio, Vega said they were in the eye of the hurricane and he took shelter under his bed in his hotel room.

Carlos Rossi, Peru’s ambassador to Mexico, made the pledge Thursday morning Trade His office”Constant communication with relevant authorities and attempts to communicate with Peruvian residents, tourism and business missions”.

In addition, Rossi provided this newspaper with a list of 10 Peruvians the embassy was able to contact after the emergency. Likewise, after a few hours, the Mexican telephone company Telmex re-established service in the region, the social network X, previously through its account on Twitter, reported the diplomatic office.

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Shortly after, Bromperoo issued a statement that 17 of the 18 comrades had been found. Vega Cisneros appeared on this list.

Name Company
Hey Rudy Aguilar Boyles Bros. Diamantina
Javier Vega Cisneros CINTERNATIONAL
Victor Hernandez Diaz INCIMMET
Marcos Matos Arana INCIMMET
Eder Tamar Station content pumps
Carlos Pena Exercise pump
Marcio Vilcapoma finished well Rockdrill
Gerardo Avila Coronel Strobe
Victor Manuel Arce Jaramillo Strobe
Layla Kure Target rocks
Carlos Antonio Centurion Panta DTM
Fernando Chavez Jeri Transglobal
Luis Fernando Chavez Torres Transglobal
Dario Alberto Bravo Campa Bromperu

After that announcement, Trade He spoke again with Consul Rossi, who promised “Most of the businessmen who came to the mining conference have already contacted their families. I would say 100%. I myself spoke with Ms. Maria Teresa Villena, Peru’s Trade Counselor in Mexico.”.

The diplomat added that his office had sent.A list of Peruvians passing through to the Secretariat of National Security, who will send buses in time to evacuate the thousands of foreigners there. They will be brought to Mexico City and each will return to their country. It depends on how quickly they recover the ground routes.”.

Until that happens, according to Rosie, guys “Shelters are also set up by the government and civil society. But they are in hotels and airbnbs and seem to be staying in the same places they stayed.”.

However, after that conversation, Trade In a Facebook group created by relatives of Peruvians who have not been in contact because of Otis, they were able to confirm that a citizen was looking for information on Andre Palomino Jove and Osmar Palomino Jove. Neither national appears in any list published by the Consulate or Promperu.

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On the other hand, Ana Vega, sister of Javier Vega Cisneros, contacted the news agency RPP Noticias to report that her brother was rescued by a truck and that he was on his way to Mexico City.He has already booked a flight with Aeromexico and hopefully the flight will still be active for him to arrive in Lima.”.

When asked about the Peruvians who died or were injured by Hurricane Otis, the embassy was reassuring. Trade No one has registered yet. However, he noted that of the approximately 15,000 Peruvians living in Mexico, at least fifty live in Acapulco, so they must have been affected in some way.

One of them is the former Miss Peru Laura Spoya, who shared a video on her social networks in which part of her house was destroyed, but assured that her husband Brian Rullan and her brother-in-law are both safe.


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