The Forensic Digital Evidence Lab: Human Skills, Technology and the Public Defender at the Service of Citizens

The Forensic Digital Evidence Lab: Human Skills, Technology and the Public Defender at the Service of Citizens

Bogotá, October 26, 2023 (@DefensoriaCol). The Office of the Ombudsman’s national headquarters has a Forensic Digital Evidence Laboratory, or LFED, which specializes in obtaining material elements of evidence obtained from computer records.

The laboratory is equipped with physical infrastructure, specialized computer equipment and advanced forensic equipment. In it, we also find a specialized team of people with focused preparation and experience in forensic investigation.

In the Digital Evidence Forensic Lab, the identification and preservation of digital evidence provided by users of the service and in some cases devices seized by the Attorney General’s Office is carried out in support of, presenting and supporting public defenders. Coordinating with the Security Research Group of the National Public Defender’s Directorate.

With these tools, we seek to ensure that those in situations of economic or social inequality have real access to the administration of justice in order to protect their rights.

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