In the second round: Which political groups will support Massa or Milei and what can they do to get those votes?

In the second round: Which political groups will support Massa or Milei and what can they do to get those votes?

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Presidential election results in Argentina have rearranged the political table, After the candidates Sergio Massa (Union Por La Patria) and Javier Mili (La Libertad Avanza) advanced to the second round.

What is expected in this new phase of the election process is what every contestant is looking for is approaching Announce themselves to the teams that were racing alliances, in an overt or covert way. This is planned, considering the short time before the election new meeting Next November 19.

At this point, it’s worth asking what possibilities they have. Massa oh mercy Access groups like Together for change, we do it for our country or the Left Front and Workers?

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First moves

If the current elections have one fundamental issue at their core, it is Argentina’s economy, which is facing one of the worst crises in its history. Indeed, yesterday’s results had a direct impact on the Buenos Aires stock market.

Sergio Massa, the current Economy Minister, is well aware of this and has moved quickly. In a public appearance today, he announced that he would discuss a program with them if elected president International Monetary Fund (IMF) “related to the growth and development” of his country.

“What the world expects from Argentina is balance, rationality and determination. It expects moderation, diversity, predictability,” he told a press conference before international media.

Also, he asserted that his opponent was “proposing divisions”. Mercosur, Treaties with China, Argentina Pope His Holiness Seer. “Everything that has nothing to do with our uniqueness and the values ​​that the Argentine citizen represents.”

The day after the election, Massa organized a press conference with international mediaSource: EFE

For its part, even today, Javier Miley He attacked the Radical Civic Union, one of the parties that make up Patricia Bullrich’s political front, whom he accused of being “traitors”.

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“Goed up Massa And less BullrichIt’s clear there who are the traitors,” he said on local radio. At the same time, he left a new dichotomy on his social networks for days to come.

“Freedom and Kirchnerism, if we don’t want to lose the country at the hands of this government of criminals, all of us who want change need to work together.. We have thirty days to make history” he pointed out.

What did other political organizations say?

Patricia Bullrich, the Together for Change candidate and third in election resultsA lack of rapport with seems to have already been resolved Massa.

“We will never stop being what we are to Argentina. We will never be complicit with populism in the country or with the mafias that have destroyed the nation. Wherever I am, I will never give up. Populism has impoverished the country, and I am not going to be the one to congratulate someone who is part of the worst government in Argentina,” he said after the election. He said yesterday.

“Our values ​​are not weakened, they are not sold, they are not bought, we are not going to negotiate. Even if we do not win the elections today, we will go to change whenever Argentina needs it. We will be with Argentina. Difficult times are ahead,” he added.

Although Bullrich He did not directly name an official candidate, nor did he present any preference to Mili. In the latter part of the campaign, La Libertad Avanza attacked candidate Fulrich with special emphasis, noting his past militancy in the extremist organization Montoneros.

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A left-wing candidate for his part Miriam BergmanRule of thumb MassaAlthough he was clear in drawing a distinction between the official party and the Militia.

Massa Y mercy They are not the same, no one can tell; But I will never change my view,” he opined.

“We will take a position on the flow in the coming days, but we are clear that the role of the Left is to protect workers’ rights, to face the adjustment and the (International) Monetary Fund will continue to be in our country. Win, win,” he added.

Regarding what we do for our country’s candidate, Juan Schieretti, He has yet to give a clear message about his eventual support for a candidate, but he is determined to defend his federal position.

“I also want to tell you that our political alliance demonstrated federalism at the national level. We were the voices of productive locality (…) We demonstrated federalism in a non-federal country and it will emerge from our origins. Whoever is in power must take up the federal agenda,” he said yesterday. said at the rally.

Also, he is clear on his position mercy. “I have nothing against him personally, I’m not saying voting for him is a leap into the void as others say. The only thing I’m saying is objectively, what he’s proposing doesn’t apply anywhere in the world.

Argentina will hold a repeat election on November 19Source: EFE

Emiliano Gullo: “If Massa wins, he will definitely enter the campaign books”

Argentinian journalist Emiliano Gullo, In conversation with RPP News, Commenting on the election results, he pointed out that if Sergio Massa The wins will “go into the books” because of the huge responsibilities he will carry as economy minister in the outgoing government.

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“On November 19, finally, if Sergio Massa is elected president, he will surely enter the books of political theory or election campaigns in the world, because an economy with annual inflation of 200%, on the verge of hyperinflation, a poverty rate of more than 40%, the Minister of Economy will reverse his image outside and inside the militancy. transforms,” ​​he asserted.

“Let’s remember that Massa Much opposed by the more progressive sections Kitchenerismo. However, militias, mayors, governors stand up and they change an election in a historic way. He was three points away from winning the first round,” he added.

Regarding voters BullrichVery similar from a project point of view to supporting Miley’s proposal, Gullo indicated that this possibility could have been cut off by his activity in the same far-right leader campaign.

“There are two things to keep in mind: Maurizio Macri, the former president and CEO of Together for Change, has publicly endorsed Miley for a similar campaign to Bulrich. In the same vein, Milei focused her campaign against Fulrich, accusing him of being a terrorist because of his militant past in the Montoneros. “He was accused of planting a bomb in a kindergarten,” he highlighted.

“Miley’s campaign was focused against her caste Together for change. “We’ll have to see how he takes back his words and his criticisms of Bullrich,” he added.

Likewise, he felt that there was “too much anger at many voters who had come together for change mercy What against Massa“.

“Let’s not forget that the Left Front led by Miriam Bregman has 10% and the majority of those votes are expected to go to Massa,” he pointed out.


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