Is Donald Trump the best GOP candidate to take back the White House?: Some Republican leaders say no | USA | E. Jean Carroll | USA | Elections United States 2024 | Sexual abuse the world

Is Donald Trump the best GOP candidate to take back the White House?: Some Republican leaders say no |  USA |  E. Jean Carroll |  USA |  Elections United States 2024 |  Sexual abuse  the world

Last week on Tuesday, Trump found guilty New York jury of Sexual abuse and defamationBut not rape in the case condemned by the writer E. Jean Carroll79 years old.

Meera: A long list of investigations and prosecutions against Donald Trump (with some prison sentences)

This is the first sentence Trump After leaving the US presidency. From a legal point of view, The civil penalty is not a deterrent to his pursuit of the White House.

Trump He won’t go to jail, but he will have to pay $5 million in restitution E. Jean Carroll.

However, the chain He hopes the matter will be at the center of debate ahead of the next general election Trump A candidate, which is harmful Republican Party.

Writer E. Jean Carroll and former US President Donald Trump. (Photo by Kena Betancourt and Andrew Kelly/AFP).

/ Andrew Kelly has Betancourt

CNN recalls Many White House hopefuls have abandoned their presidential runs at less than what Trump faced After conviction Sexual abuse.

Not only that, Adult film star Stormy Daniels has been indicted in a criminal case involving payments And faces many lawsuits and investigations The role he played during Attacks the capital January 6, 2021.

But the news network believes it’s true Trump It shows that the president did not drop out of the race and no one forced him to do so He dominated the Republican Party.

It will hurt the party

One of the Republican critics Trump He is a senator from North Dakota. Kevin Cramertold CNN who “That (condemnation) and many other things make me doubt that he is the best candidate for the party.”

“It’s very serious. But I think, as a political issue, it’s less interesting to people outside of Washington than it is inside these walls or on Capitol Hill.”Eligibility

Republican Representative from Nebraska Don Bacon He told CNN The Republican Party “collapses” with Trump as the nominee. He won’t win the White House. That would probably cost us the House of Representatives and the Senate”.

“I see very dark clouds on the horizon if he is the nominee.”Already added bacon He announced that he would not support Trump’s candidacy.

Reuters/Ipsos poll

Donald Trump led Ron DeSantis 50% – 24% among registered Republican voters in late April.

Former Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson Condemned Trump. He told CNN that the jury system is sacrosanct, and it is Jurors in Carroll’s case ruled Trump unfit to serve Republicans should consider the electoral implications of having such a candidate.

Being a candidate for sexual abuse It is against the basic values ​​of AmericaHutchinson said.

Senator from Utah Mitt Romney The New York ruling affirmed the jury’s decision Carroll’s case And he said he hoped “a jury of the American people will come to the same conclusion about Donald Trump.”

John Bolton was Trump's national security adviser.  (Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP).

John Bolton was Trump’s national security adviser. (Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP).

/ Saul Loeb

Meanwhile, former White House National Security Adviser in the Trump era, John BoltonHe described the Chancellor as a “joke”.

“Trump has joked that he could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours after losing sexual assault and defamation lawsuits.”wrote Bolton on his Twitter account.

“For the good of the country, Republicans must demand that he immediately and permanently suspend his presidential campaign.”Bolton said.

What your competitors are saying

Direct competitors Trump For the Republican candidate they dare not criticize him or ask for his resignation, what’s more, they prefer to remain silent or Some people defend it.

This is the case of the Florida governor. Ron DeSantisTrump threatened to refuse extradition to New York after the former president was accused of paying off a former porn star. Stormy Daniels And two people.

Because of the questionable circumstances surrounding this Soros-backed Manhattan attorney and his political agenda, Florida won’t help with an extradition request.DeSantis said a few weeks ago.

In this Nov. 8, 2022 file photo, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a campaign rally at the Tampa Convention Center.  (Photo by Giorgio Vieira / AFP).

In this Nov. 8, 2022 file photo, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a campaign rally at the Tampa Convention Center. (Photo by Giorgio Vieira / AFP).

/ George Weera

For CNN, Trump’s rivals are struggling to define their profiles as his replacementwhile trying to avoid the wrath of the Mogul’s supporters.

Trump defenders

The senator is among the Republican leaders defending Trump Lindsay GrahamA native of South Carolina had this to say You can’t get a fair trial in Manhattan.

“I think the New York legal system is off the rails when it comes to Donald Trump.Graham said.

Donald Trump with Senator Lindsey Graham on January 28, 2023 in Columbia, South Carolina.  (Photo by Logan Cyrus/AFP)

Donald Trump with Senator Lindsey Graham on January 28, 2023 in Columbia, South Carolina. (Photo by Logan Cyrus/AFP)

/ Logan Cyrus

The present Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, declined to comment on the verdict. He only said that Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

While the Florida senator Marco Rubio He pointed out, “That jury was a joke. The whole case is a joke.


The polarization in America is in favor of Trump

Francisco Belaunde Matossian, international researcher

About what Trump and internal Republican Party It has a lot to do with the type of exam that is available America. He may lose the popular vote, but he can fight and win the battleground states, which ultimately decide the election.

So, once you win appointment He can focus on his loyal constituency and try to win those battleground states Trump has the ability to rally a lot of peopleMake them vote.

His legal troubles, piling up, are indeed a problem, and could get worse in the coming weeks if his ongoing investigation is limited. Georgia.

Now, Trump’s legal problems, including a sexual assault conviction, have not spelled the end of his political career, as they have for others. polarization What is in America? Trump has created a brand of loyalty that borders on bigotry. So, to a segment of the American electorate, it doesn’t matter if he faces legal problems, because they will still say there is nothing and that everything is politically motivated. Legal issues are ultimately political maneuvers by DemocratsIt’s something that Trump himself keeps repeating.

As for his Republican rivals, they haven’t criticized him because they don’t want to clash with these voters who are most loyal to Trump. They did not want to meet him directly. After the last legislative assembly elections, there was only criticism when he weakened as his candidates failed. But still On judicial issues, they are silent because they don’t want to be accused of favoring Democrats by criticizing him.

Women vote

Senator Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican who has been a Trump critic in the past was asked by CNN if he was concerned that a ruling against Trump would ultimately shift votes from women to the Republican Party: “Certainly it creates concern. How can I not create anxiety?” he replied. He added that it was up to the voters to decide whether to disqualify him or not.

Alyssa Farah, the White House director of strategic communications during the Trump presidency and now a critic of the billionaire, said: “If we really want to win, we can’t pay to run this man as a Republican because women will run away from voting for him.”

Cornell BelcherAmerican political analyst and pollster, what can be summed up in a tweet Trump And to him Republican Party: “This judgment sexual assault does not have a negative impact on aspirations Trump for winning the Republican primary; However, the gender gap in the general election will become a much wider and deeper gap for the Republican Party, especially in the suburbs.”


Other Investigations Against Donald Trump

  • Fulton County Attorney’s Office, GeorgiaInvestigates the motives of Trump and his allies In 2020, the election results in that state should be annulled. An investigation has been conducted based on the Where is Trump audio Georgia asks officials to “find” votes to winand a list of bogus voters who submitted fraudulent certificates from the Electoral College in Washington.
  • The US Department of Justice is investigating Hit the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. It has collected clues and evidence for this January 6 Select Committee of the House of Representatives.
  • The Justice Department and the FBI raided the president’s home in Mar-a-Lago to retrieve classified documents Trump took from the White House.. Trump sued the Justice Department to require an independent expert to review the seized documents.
  • The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is investigating whether Trump and the Trump Organization misled lenders and to the tax authorities on their wealth. Former Trump Organization chief Alan Weiselberg has pleaded guilty to a 15-year tax fraud scheme. The Trump Organization was also accused, but not guilty.
  • Filed by the New York State Attorney General The civil suit is against Trump and his children Donald Jr., Eric and IvankaHe accused them of inflating the value of their properties to get favorable loans from banks, insurance companies and the government.
  • Trump is being sued by the Capitol Police and Washington police officers on January 6, 2021 for inciting violence. Several House Democrats have filed similar lawsuits against Trump.
  • Trump was sued by his daughter-in-law Mary He alleges that in a 2001 family settlement, he denied her ten million dollars in inheritance.
  • Trump is being sued by his former lawyer, Michael Cohen for alleged reprisals in connection with his imprisonment.
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