It will not be economic

It will not be economic

The Economic policy To build the development capacity of a country. Facilities provided to set up businesses, encouragement of entrepreneurship, respect for the rules of the game are elements in this set of factors. Investment environment An economy. It is also essential to have infrastructure to support growth. want ways Modern communication and secure to allow connectivity and traffic Members Y materialsHaving the capacity to meet growing demand and, of course, building human capital to adapt to changing needs over time are necessary conditions for growth.

But it’s long-term, at best, medium. Construction for that Structural scaffolding It allows economies to plan their growth and not just their growth. In the short term, change Economic activity This is due to the particular stages of the economic cycle in which we find ourselves.

Earlier this year, Mexico was finally able to recover economic activity from 2018, which contracted in 2019 and then in 2020. International distribution. The country’s output has been driven by the growth of the US economy, which has yet to see the advent of recession. Widely advertised.

The Mexican economy will grow by more than 3% this year%, A figure should be common A growing economy Like Mexican, but given the growth expectations earlier this year it sounds Deeply inspiring.

Does this mean all is well for the Mexican economy? I don’t believe it. Yes, this will be a good year financially, and probably next year too. But the reasons behind this growth are temporary: the benefits Mexico will be the result of conflict between China Y AmericaOur key trading partner’s fiscal policy is consumption recovery post-epidemic and reactivation of discontinued investment Contributes to abundance This year. However, the foundations for sustained growth in the medium term are lacking.

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The election cycle coincides with the timing of good economic figures, which suits the party leaning over. Good recent numbers-from Development, employment, Investment– Gives the ruling party a powerful voice and disarms the opposition to some extent on the issue. Again, not because everything is fine Economic matterBut apparently it’s because.

The opposition candidate must understand that this cannot be the focus of his campaign. I can’t imagine any kind of conversion event. candidate oh candidate In this massive event he begins to talk about the importance of building a foundation for more sustainable growth. Potential GDP.

However, there is one issue that unites them all: security. On the contrary, the Insecurity. in the presence of organized crime Acquisition of economic activities across the country “Normal” Criminally controlled in many states, concern For transportation of people and goods.

Insecurity has become a common thread for everyone ConversationsAlready the cross axis touches everything Objectives And all that corners of this country. Also should be the axis of campaigns.


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