Javier Milei: Who Is the Independent Prophet of Dollarization Who Makes History in Argentina’s Elections Against Sergio Massa | Alberto Fernandez | Profile | the world

Javier Milei: Who Is the Independent Prophet of Dollarization Who Makes History in Argentina’s Elections Against Sergio Massa |  Alberto Fernandez |  Profile |  the world

A fanatical, outspoken, arbitrary, ultraliberal economist Javier Miley He was known for the ferocity of his economic fervor and broke the mold of Argentina’s political bipartisanship until he swept into the presidency this Sunday with a promise of dollarization. With statements against the “parasitic and stupid political caste”. [ladrona]”, the libertarian convinced more than half of Argentines to “dynamite” the central bank, reduce the size of the state and cut public spending.

Argentina It presides over triple-digit annual inflation and poverty that affects 40% of its population. It was against the background of these economic woes that voters chose his disruptive plan over that of his rival, the Economy Minister. Sergio Massa, A centrist Peronist.

Read more | Live | Javier Mille is sworn in as Argentina’s new president, defeating Peronist Sergio Massa.

“Miley’s proposals to develop Argentina give us hope to stay because young people, if this continues, have the intention of leaving the country”Carolina Carabajal, 20, told AFP.

Javier Milei, presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, walks among his supporters as he arrives at a polling station on November 19, 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Emiliano Lasalvia / AFP).

mercy Denies the wage gap between men and women, views abortion as murder and believes that “policies that blame humans for climate change are wrong”.

It also rejects the consensus of 30,000 people who disappeared during the last dictatorship (1976-1983) established by human rights organizations, estimating that number to be less than a third.

See here Massa and Miley catch up with the undecideds in Argentina last election week: what will they have to do to convince them?

With propositions like these, before Argentina “They were on the fringes, now they’re at the center” He became the leader of the “Extraordinary General Fit for Hard Rights in Argentina”. Gabriel Vomero, a political scientist at the University of San Martin, told AFP.

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“Speak Like Me”

Miley channeled the anger of those disillusioned with PeronismThe political current that has marked Argentina’s history since the 1940s has been built around the figure of Juan Domingo Perón, a populist military man.

“People start listening to an angry man who seems alien and think ‘finally someone speaks like me’ because he is open to saying things,” Belen Amadeo, a political scientist at the University of Buenos Aires, told AFP.

A supporter of Javier Mille dressed as the TV character Zoro chants during a campaign rally in Ezeza, Buenos Aires province, on November 15, 2023. (Photo by Luis Ropayo/AFP).

However, his initially highly confrontational nature did not last beyond the first round of elections in October, when he received 30% of the vote.

He had to look for deals, for which he issued his provocative statements. He received the support of a conservative and former rival. Patricia Bullrichand the endorsement of former liberal President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019).

Macri said Miley “has come to represent a lot of standing citizens who are fed up.” In a conversation with the Wilson Center think tank in Washington.

He is nicknamed for his abundant and tousled hair “Wig”The 53-year-old president-elect is often called “crazy.”

To these nicknames, he responded during the campaign: “Do you know the difference between a genius and a madman? Success”.

Born on television

Miley emerged as an ‘influencer’ on television in 2015, participating in raucous economic meetings.. Later, his comments fed social networks and reached the youth, many of whom found his speech innovative and provocative.

Matías Esoukourian, a 19-year-old economics student, commented that this was the reason he was being followed. “He has no experience and it shows many times,” said the young man. “But when you watch him talk about economic issues, you can see that he has passion and knowledge in what he has to say.”

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Miley worked in the private sector until 2021, when he was elected vice president of the newly formed La Libertad Avanza party. Since then, it has dominated the media agenda, breaking Argentina’s two-party system.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1970, he played soccer as a teenager and sang in a band that covered Rolling Stones songs.

according to “Logo”, an unauthorized autobiography by journalist Juan Luis González, Miley does not acknowledge the death of her dog Conan and refers to him as one of the “five” dogs/sons accompanying her.

His other four English Mastiffs are Conan clones ordered by Miley in America. It relates to the living and the dead, thanks to the teachings of supposedly “mediums” who specialize in “interspecies communication”.

Alone, childless and with few friends, he recently introduced actress and comedian Fatima Flores as his girlfriend on a TV show.

He studied economics at the University of Belgrano and completed two master’s degrees at local institutions. He has published several books and has been accused of plagiarizing entire passages.


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