MTC canceled nearly 150 thousand irregular motorcycle and motorcycle taxi licenses | PNP | Sutra | National Driving Organization | Peru

MTC canceled nearly 150 thousand irregular motorcycle and motorcycle taxi licenses |  PNP |  Sutra |  National Driving Organization |  Peru

Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), took control measures along with anti-corruption inspection to detect and eliminate Driving licenses Irregular. Almost 150,000 of these Category B documents were reported to have been falsified. National Driving Organisation (SNC).

These licenses were found to be implemented by the municipalities of Canta, Loreto, Acobamba, Tocasay, Canet, Huarmi and Anbamba.

It should be taken into account that these activities started last August 15 with Kanda Provincial MunicipalityAfter MTC Directorate of Road Transport Irregularities in issuing such permits to motorcycles and motorcycle taxis have come to light.

Officials check for invalid driver’s licenses. Photo: Chanel N

read more: Congress enacts Public Transportation Act for motorcycle taxis

Single class B registration

He MTC Implementing, for the first time, A National Register only For Class B certificates, this will help regularize Study and traffic regulation Motorcycles and Mototaxis Nationally.

As part of the regulation, provincial municipalities are required to record data on the Class B licenses they issue National Driving Organisation, Fully reviewed by Ministry of Transport and Communications.

When officials came to know about these irregularities in processing driver’s licenses, National Police of Peru (PNP) and this TomorrowTraffic agencies can detect and sanction drivers using these irregular registrations as per the provisions of the Act.

A call to attention

He Ministry of Transport and Communicationss calls on citizens not to resort to apps or third parties in their governance Driving licenses. The company recalled that these activities are a criminal offence.

And once they pointed out these things Illegal licenses will be removed immediately The system and drivers will always lose access to these documents.

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The registry of motorcycle licenses in Peru will be monitored if illegal licenses increase. (Photo: Government of Peru)

read more: Land transport: How many informal workers were allowed till October?

Steps to Process Your Driving License

According to him Ministry of Transport and Communications Follow these steps for your process Driving license if you drive a motorcycle or mototaxi:

You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a motorcycle driver’s license in Peru.

Provide your current DNI (National Identity Document), original and photocopy.

If you are a foreigner, you can submit your Immigration Card, Identity Card, PTP, Applicant or Asylum Card (original, copy and current).

Medical certificate for Class B Driving Licenses: You can get it from a medical center approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)

Take the knowledge assessment at the Assessment Center of Tour and the Automobile Club of Peru.

Pass the Driving Aptitude Test for Kanchan HQ category.

– Should not be disabled to process Driving license.

No unpaid fines By transport ticket or No vote.


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