Jean Desa spends the night at Gabriela Alava’s house despite a street scandal a few days ago | Videos | Show Business | trcm | programs

Jean Desa spends the night at Gabriela Alava’s house despite a street scandal a few days ago |  Videos |  Show Business |  trcm |  programs

Don’t learn! “Magali TV: La Firme” aired pictures of the footballer on Thursday’s May 9 broadcast. Jean Desa Moving out of your ex’s house Gabriela AlavaIn spite of that, a few days ago they held a discussion in the middle of the day.

“There are stories that one is already tired of telling. We speak in a vacuum, it seems that no one listens to us, we tell with the experience that years give us … These young women (by Gabriela Alava) are spoken of, so they love each other. Save a little more the self-respect of their soil, But for example Gabriela Alava did not pay attention to usMedina commented before launching the ‘bombshell’.

“Look at Jean Desa’s slur on her a few days ago where he called TV cameras to humiliate her in front of her family and neighbors. However, this morning young Jean Desa left her former residencesaid the ATV presenter.

TROME | Despite a scandal on the street, Jean Desa was caught leaving Gabriela Alava’s house.

As “Urraga” explained, Desa was caught leaving her ex-partner’s house. The pictures were snapped around noon on Wednesday, May 10, and everything points to the two spending the night together.

Alava hinted that given this ‘amboy’, they will continue to be seen together since they are both single: “We did nothing wrong. We are both alone. We’re good, we’ve been friends.

Scandal where he starred alongside Jean Tessa and his ex Gabriela Alava

Jean Desa He acted in a scandal outside the home of his former partner, Gabriela Alava, which was recorded by video surveillance cameras. A few days after the athlete rekindled his “friendship” with Vanessa Lopez.

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In the footage, Tessa was seen trying to remove her valuables from the home she shared with her ex-partner and insisted she paid rent on the premises.

“Your daughter-in-law doesn’t want to give me my things, does she? Here is proof that I lived here. The footballer shouted in broad daylight from the public highway, while all the model’s neighbors recorded it.

TROME | Scandal Jean Desa and Gabriela Alava (Magali TV)

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