Jefferson Farfan would tell it all on 'America Today': “Do we have a free letter to ask you everything?” | Melissa Gluck | Video | Showbiz | programs

Jefferson Farfan would tell it all on 'America Today': “Do we have a free letter to ask you everything?”  |  Melissa Gluck |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

Everything on Monday. Jefferson Farfán agreed to interview the drivers 'America todayIn his mansion, he is ready to answer all questions, no matter how complex.

In this Friday, April 12 preview, you can see how Edson fares with Ethel Bozo, Brunella Horna, and Janet Barbosa on Dave. In the note's pieces, you can see how 'Fuquita' shows details of her mansion, such as the collection of over 500 sneakers she keeps in one room.

Also, it looks like Janet warns Farfan: “We have free time, can we ask anything we want?”, to which Jefferson nods. Brunella also asks him how he was able to keep his last daughter's secret.

The interview with Jefferson Farfán can be seen this Monday, April 15, at 9:30 am on 'America hoy'. Will you talk about the lawsuit filed against you by Melissa Gluck?

Melissa condemns Farfan for psychological violence against her 8-year-old son

Melissa Gluck He scolded his former partner Jefferson Farfan Magali Madina reported this Thursday for psychological abuse of her youngest son, who was 8 years old on April 8. According to the police report, 'Blanca de Sucuito' said her son went to his father's house on April 6 to surprise him, however, upon arrival he was allegedly greeted rudely by 'Fogita'. “He told him 'what are you doing here, I'm going out, I didn't ask you to come'., The document says.

Clock She said Farfan left and her son stayed with his 12-year-old cousin without adult supervision. The next day, the minor returned home at 10 a.m. and told his mother everything: “He told him that he did not eat breakfast because his father did not return home. “What happened caused him pain, depression and psychological damage.” Police report.

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Jefferson Farfan denied reporting Melissa Gluck for psychological abuse of her son. (Photo: Instagram)

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