Journalists from Cali visited the ‘Parks for Life’ works.

Journalists from Cali visited the ‘Parks for Life’ works.

The tour started at the Cristo Rey Comprehensive Project, headed towards the San Fernando Innovation Technology Park and ended at Bulavar de Oriente.

The tour with journalists from various media in the city started at 8:00 am to the three works currently being carried out by the administration of Pro Corazon in Cali.

The mayor, Jorge Iván Ospina Gómez, was in charge of making the parks a center for economic, social and tourism development and showing progress for life.

First stop is Cristo Rey, a historic landmark that is being renovated at 1.7 km. Routes, views, gastronomic and cultural areas.

“It’s a radical change for Cristo Rey, and initially, one said it was a must-see, but it doesn’t have much appeal, and the work brings more interest and more travel and history,” said Blue’s Stephanie Toledo. Radio journalist.

According to Víctor Tabares, a journalist from Noticias RCN, the renovation of Cristo Rey is “a boost to the city’s tourism, it is important that the new administration takes into account this work that will be created, to be able to maintain and strengthen it. It will be done here so that more tourists will come in the future.”

Read more: Los Estudiantes Square Integrated, Gateway to Cristo Rey Comprehensive Plan

Another point visited on leg 5 is the San Fernando Technology Innovation Park, a hub for knowledge, science and research.

“The space on leg 5 in front of the university hospital has always been a lot hidden from the people of Cali. Today we see how they are building a big dome where there will be an observatory, and I think that will happen in the future. Be a valuable place.” , especially for the content that our youth can create,” José Luis Carrillo – journalist of El País.

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Alfonso Bonilla Aragón, the route ends at Bulavar de Oriente, a 1.2 kilometer public space for the recreation of the community of Marroquín I and II neighborhoods.

“We intend to promote a better dialogue among the residents of the neighborhood in this public space, bringing together culture, citizenship, responsibility, tax commitment and environmental protection,” said Callie Mayor.

According to Rosa María Agutelo, director of Diario Distanza, works like Bulavar de Oriente are changing the face of this sector of the city. “30 years ago, I knew what the Caquita Canal was, living next to a canal that no one could imagine. Today we have a park, a beautiful, pleasant public space, for the enjoyment of the entire community,” he said.

Corazón de Pance Environmental Park and Parque Pacífico are also part of the ‘5 Parks of Life’, the management of Dr. Jorge Iván Ospina Gómez is a legacy, new citizen meeting points and green lungs that will always be the heartbeat.

You might also be interested in: ‘Jonas We Love You Cali’, a strategy that transformed 42 public spaces in the city.

Jorge Ivan Ospina Gomez – Mayor of Cali.

Rosa María Agudelo – Director of Diario Occidente.

Stephanie Toledo – Blue Radio journalist.

Victor Tabarez – RCN News journalist.

José Luis Carrillo – Journalist for El País newspaper.

Diana Marcela Villegas – RCN Radio journalist.

Estefania Hoyos Valencia.

Photo: Arturo Lopez and Nelson Rios.

The number of visitors to this page is 37

Release date 11/18/2023

Last modified 11/18/2023


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