Juan Jose Santivañez: Profile and Biography of the New Interior Minister to Replace Walter Ortiz

Juan Jose Santivañez: Profile and Biography of the New Interior Minister to Replace Walter Ortiz
Juan Jose Santivañez to replace Walter Ortiz as Interior Minister | Photo Credit: Infobae Perú / Analí Espinoza

This Thursday, Walter Ortiz resigned as Minister of the Interior in the Tina Bolvard government, amid questions about his administration and other allegations against him. Lawyer Juan Jose Santivanes, A lawyer already known in the portfolio MinisterHe will take charge in his place.

Santivañez Antunez is one Lawyer He was the Interior Ministry’s Undersecretary for Internal Order until May 16, when he took office a month ago, replacing General PNP (r) Miguel Núñez Polar. Similarly, he has served in the specified portfolio as Chairman of the Advisory Cabinet.

The lawyer graduated from the University of San Martin de Porres and has master’s degrees from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. According to her resume, she holds a master’s degree in oral litigation from California Western School of Law (USA) and a master’s degree in political action and citizen participation from Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). Qualified “Just Come Lot.”

He specialized in Criminal Law at the University of Göttingen (Germany), postgraduate studies in Criminal Law at Temple University Beasley School of Law (USA) and specialized in Standards of Evidence and Court Law at the University of Girona (Spain). In addition, he has completed a Diploma in Disciplinary Law at the Latin American Socio-Legal Studies Center (Colombia) and a Higher Specialization in Disciplinary Law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.

Mariano Santos of the National Police of Peru has worked as an external consultant to the Special Committee responsible for developing the 2.0 Strategic Plan and has been a professor at the PNP Graduate School for programs aimed at captains, majors, commanders and colonels; and served as a visiting professor at the Criminal Investigation School of Peru’s National Police, at the Disciplinary Affairs Unit of Honduras, and as Inspector General of Colombia’s National Police.

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In his professional career, he also had some questions to practice the legal defense of some controversial cases: lawyer for members of the police Cases relating to corruption offencesLike a general Hector Petit AmezquitaIn 2020, a police farm against Cco-19 was involved in allegations of overcharging for protective equipment.

Santivanes was also the lawyer for the PNP General Jose FigueroaIn 2018, he was accused of being a member of the criminal organization Los Indocables Edels, involved in extortion from street vendors and led by Elias Cuba, the former mayor of La Victoria.

In 2020, Santivañez said Figueroa represented Gonzalez only at a detention hearing related to that case. Likewise, he noted that he was a lawyer at the “administrative level.” Enrique Prado Ravines and those involved in the death squad case, which allegedly carried out extrajudicial executions of suspected criminals between 2012 and 2016.

It is worth noting that Juan José Santivañez resigned in 2020 from the position of President of the Cabinet of Advisors of the Ministry of the Interior (Government of Martin Vizcarra), because a Sunday newspaper exposed this information that caused strong criticism against the lawyer.

In 2023, other similar cases were known JUAN JOSE SANTIVANEZ In 2021, she acted as a lawyer for three generals of the National Police who were allegedly involved in improper promotions during the government of former President Pedro Castillo. Luis Enrique Legua Ecoceiga, Eduardo Espinosa Lopez and Freddy Aristo del Carpio were legally represented by Sandyvez Antunez. Bribery to get promotion.

In conversation, according to Sandivanez’s defense RPP news In February this year, he dropped the case in November last year. “Those are the defenses I’ve considered during my career, because everyone has a right to their defense,” he noted after his reinstatement. Chairman of the Cabinet of Advisers, Ministry of Home Affairs, In the administration of former Minister Victor Torres.

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