Julio Cago saved from suspension: All that happened in an eventful session of the Metropolitan Council | Municipality of Lima | Rafael Lopez Aliaga | Influence peddling | Serious crime | Popular Update | We can Peru | Share it

Julio Cago saved from suspension: All that happened in an eventful session of the Metropolitan Council |  Municipality of Lima |  Rafael Lopez Aliaga |  Influence peddling |  Serious crime |  Popular Update |  We can Peru |  Share it

read more: Julio Cago: From Suspended Congressman to Questioned Councilor and on a Tight Rope

For Fuerza Popular, a former congressman [2011-2016] Last April, he was accused of distributing donations from the Great Wholesale Market of Lima (EMMSA) to beneficiaries of common pots in Quebrada de Villa María del Triunfo. Audios and videos supporting the complaint were released by the media . Among them, Cago listens to someone who is supposed to be a representative of the wholesale market, so that the donations allow him to meet the mayor of Lima, Rafael López Aliaga.

The details of the allegation were the starting point of the extraordinary session which began at 5:30 pm yesterday. On May 19, the Municipal Public Prosecutor’s Office filed a criminal complaint for influence peddling. [tipificado en el artículo 400° del Código Penal]It was processed before the first special prosecutor for the corruption of Lima officials.

Although Cago was one of the councilors closest to López Aliaga, his party’s bench unanimously requested the temporary suspension of the councilor for “four ordinary sessions” and the formation of a commission. Researcher. “No one was kind enough to even answer the phone when I called them.” The condemned alderman claimed his bench in one of the session’s most tense moments.

In his defence, the censured councilor lashed out at the media and claimed the audios were edited to his detriment. “Where grave error is indicated [para que me suspendan]?, there must be an Ordinance to be approved. What is a serious mistake? […] No complaints. EMMSA is a simple administrator, the owner of the food is every businessman”He said a businessman showed him a document that said he was given food unconditionally. “You wanted to hang me”, He complained to the mayor about reports that López Aliaga had withdrawn his support.

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In contrast, Councilor Giuliana Calambrogio (popular Renewal), one of those who voted in favor of the suspension, considered that the preventive measure was necessary because the “potential flaw” jeopardized the programs supporting the zero hunger program. “2,300 common pots are at risk and almost a quarter of a million vulnerable people, through these schemes, have an insured meal a day.” said.}

Councilor Aaron Espinoza (Podemos Peru) said a special commission was needed to monitor food donations. “Unfortunately, through social networks, we found that the authorities were giving donations in municipal underwear in different parts of Lima. We don’t know if they are 5, 8 or 20 tons”, He said, but refused to suspend Kago because due process would be violated and, in his opinion, the audio recordings of the complaints were manipulated. “It’s not a councilor’s problem, but some officers who misuse donations.” was added.

They criticize the authorities

Another incident was recorded when Councilor José Luna Morales (Podemos Peru) aired an audio where he was asked to meet with the person coordinating food donations with merchants and the mayor of the city. “Corruption does not lie with councillors, but with officials [Rafael López Aliaga] appointed”, said. According to the councillor, he is an officer of the Social Development Department. Here was a heated exchange with the mayor:

– Luna Morales: “They gave 18 tons (of food) to the human development manager to have a meeting with you, and that’s influencing. […]

– RLA: Report

[Gritos de Julio Gagó y otros regidores]

– RLA: Scheduled with schedule time. Request another extraordinary session for this topic

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– Luna Morales: “A councilor elected by the people cannot be removed by this agenda. To that officer you posted, here are the corrupt audios, you have a moral obligation to remove it immediately, yes you can”

– RLA: Officer, send proof. Sign the complaint

– Luna Morales: What a shame, really

– RLA: This is your opinion

[más gritos de distintos regidores]

– RLA: You are not the source of morality

– Luna Morales: Mr. Neither are you, Mayor

The withdrawal from Podemos Peru was crucial, thus falling short of the necessary votes (24) for Caco’s temporary suspension. It approved the creation of an investigative committee and the replacement of commissions on which the former congressman was a member.

Journalists are being removed

Although it was a public hearing, the El Comercio group was removed from the session room located in the Municipal Palace.

The entry of the press was authorized from 5:50 pm – the time this newspaper’s team arrived – however, when they were inside the room, a group of municipal councilors, including Kako, security personnel, were already there. It removed them with no explanation other than to say another authorization was required.

The withdrawal violates Article 13 of the Organic Law of Municipalities 27972, which in its first part states that “sessions of the City Council shall be public, unless they refer to matters that may affect respect, personal or family privacy and fundamental rights.” Picture itself. Regarding the breach of honor, Councilor Renzo Regiardo prompted a vote, which led to the session being adjourned before the debate began, with Cago insisting that he wanted an open audience.

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“It will be recorded and it will be public,” Mayor Lopez Aliaga said. However, El Comercio was not allowed to return. At 5:50 p.m., when the assembly had already begun, a representative of the metropolitan commune’s press section argued that it had been withdrawn due to “overcapacity”. However, a video broadcast via Facebook showed that there was ample space and even empty chairs.


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