“Knowing My Cell Phone” is a way to bring technology closer to the elderly.

“Knowing My Cell Phone” is a way to bring technology closer to the elderly.

Technology literacy is promoted among the elderly through this project, carried out at Bodega Farran’s digital point.

With the good reception of the participants, the program “Knowing my cell phone” is implemented, which brings technology closer to the elderly: “It is one of the most beautiful training sessions because we have a large number of elderly people. Adults who learn to use technology with the aim of avoiding phone fraud. Because technology fraud affects many people, through networks , fraudsters who are encouraged to buy certain products or pretend to be bank employees and other scams,” highlighted Development Secretary Edgardo Sambrizi.

It is important to be taken to Punto Digital by municipal bus because of the necessary networks to carry out this exercise. Son, through video calling, something they have never done before and it makes us very happy.

Sambrizi added that Digital Dot has a large number of training courses aimed at digital literacy for people of all ages.

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