LATEST: Big fire burns property in Junior Ancash | Lima Center | Firemen | Accident in Lima | lime

LATEST: Big fire burns property in Junior Ancash |  Lima Center |  Firemen |  Accident in Lima |  lime


A real feat was accomplished by the National Police this afternoon. A helicopter rescues a man with a heart attack Center of Lima.

Officials confirmed that the man, identified as 64-year-old Juan Rómulo Altunes, is in good health after being taken to Hipólito Unanue Hospital.

At about 2:07 p.m., firefighters reported that the emergency was under control.

They save a man from the fire of Jiron Ankash


The incident involved the use of a tank that, according to neighbors, contained candles with highly flammable materials. The fire started around 11 a.m. in the building located in Block 10 of Girón Uncas, Cercato de Lima.

There was a man on top of the building asking for help. Immediately, firefighters, in coordination with the police, made a dramatic rescue around 1:30 p.m.

With a rope, rescuers were able to save the desperate man. He will be taken to the nearest hospital where his condition will be checked.

According to Canal N, the fire would have reached the fourth and fifth floors of another house. Police evacuated the people living near the accident site and cordoned off the area to avoid the accident.

A huge plume of black smoke could be seen from other nearby districts.

The burning building is located next to the Las Mercedarias market, next to the Nuestra Señora de la Merced convent, where a school also operates.

Firefighters reportedly had difficulty reaching the area as street vendors descended on the streets of this sector of Cercato de Lima.

The men in red battled the fire for more than two hours.

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The drivers did not yield

Fire department information officer Commander Luis Mejia said angrily that drivers were not giving way to firefighters' cars.

“We want to reiterate to drivers that they are giving way to emergency vehicles and we are asking transporters to please give way to us,” he said on Channel N.

The junctions of the Uncash Girons with Huánuco and Maynas are closed.

The note is original

Peru's volunteer firefighters reported through their emergency portal that a large fire was raging in Ancash Giron, in the center of Cercato de Lima.

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It is a house made of noble materials, which serves as a warehouse. 13 fire tenders rushed to the spot.

According to Channel N, the fire broke out in a multi-story building very close to Chinatown.

Channel footage shows firefighters working hard to put out the blaze engulfing the building.

News in development…

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Percy Castillo, former Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights and lawyer for Ana Estrada


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