Legislation enacted to introduce civic education and the history of terrorism into the school curriculum

Legislation enacted to introduce civic education and the history of terrorism into the school curriculum

The Congress of the Republic this Thursday issued regulations declaring the national interest, reading civic education and curriculum content. A history of decay And this Terrorism In Peru among the country’s educational institutions.

It was published in Law 31745, Legal Regulation Bulletin of the Official Gazette A PeruvianIt aims to “strengthen the democratic system and national identity by introducing the above curricular contents in the National Curriculum for Basic Education”.

“As well as the historic recognition of the fight against terrorism and the achievement of national peace in the period between 1980 and 2000,” the document states.

On the night of July 16, 1992, a car bomb loaded with 400 kg of Anfo exploded in the second block of Tarada Street in the Miraflores district, killing 25 people, injuring 155, and damaging hundreds of homes. | Source: Andean

The regulation establishes that the Ministry of Education shall establish procedures for the implementation of the specified contents at all levels of the National Curriculum for Basic Education in schools.

Approval in General Assembly

On April 27 this year, the Congress The insistence approved the initiative to introduce civic education and the history of terrorism presented by the parliamentarians Silvia Montesa Facho (Popular Action), Genie López and Juan Carlos Lizarzapuru (People’s Force) and Patricia Chirinos (Popular Renewal).

The signature of Bills 38, 291, 410 and 2568 was observed by the executive branch. However, the full committee approved the motion with 69 in favor, 23 against, and 3 abstentions.

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