Lenovo and Double Click to go back to the traditional channel and plan with Motorola? | Companies | Technology | Computers | Back to School | | economy

Lenovo and Double Click to go back to the traditional channel and plan with Motorola?  |  Companies |  Technology |  Computers |  Back to School |  |  economy

Jaime Pomerada, Manager of the Consumer Division Lenovo Peru, It admitted that the year started with a 25% contraction in units in January compared to the same month in 2023. Thus, on an annual basis, computer sales may maintain their level or decrease by 5%.

However, he highlighted that other indicators are giving positive signals. He highlighted that even with the decline in the first month of 2024, sales units are almost 20% higher and 50% higher in value compared to pre-pandemic (January 2019).

Similarly, in tickets, he noted an average increase of 5% over January 2023. As a result, he expected the market's value to maintain or grow slightly.

“Last year was liquidated at the expense of (old) commodity prices, and now that's changing. “Comparing stable markets without anything erratic, there's been computing growth, and now we've got a better mix than before.” Commented Management.

Given this panorama, he said, Lenovo's ambitions by 2024 are to take the top spot in all computing areas (a position it regained in laptops in the last three quarters, according to ITC) and continue to gain share. How will you achieve it?

read more: Lenovo is building a “back-to-school” program with lines that go beyond laptops

Back to school and back to traditional channels

For computing category, the campaign”Back to school Or back to school up to 35% of annual sales. That way, brands are tailoring their entire arsenal to meet demand Lenovo He already has a plan.

about, Pomerada He noted that the attempt Marketing channels After almost three years, galleries and other institutions in the provinces will resume their presence. The fact is, due to difficulties derived from the Covid-19 pandemic, the brand has reduced commercial intensity in these formats.

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To reverse this situation, the company created a new team dedicated to these traditional locations to restore and strengthen the relationship with marketers. In Peru, galleries contribute about 20% of computer sales in the consumer segment (not corporate sales).

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A joint strategy with Motorola?

On the other hand, the administrator noted that the bet the box will continue to ensure the availability of the entire ecosystem LenovoNew developments (laptops with touch screens, dual screens and others), gaming equipment (demand this season to support design programs and others) and ultimately collaborative strategy MotorolaPurchased in 2014.

“We're looking at doing something, we don't have anything concrete yet (with that brand), but we want to do something with them. “Maybe in March or April.” I notice.

For now, he explained, they are working on marketing the entire Lenovo ecosystem, including tablets. He noted that after the pandemic, these types of devices have resumed their position as productivity items.

read more: What are the most requested laptop brands in Peru and their prices?

Forecasts for the total market

By the end of 2023, Domain Consultants PC sales in the general market are estimated to decline by 8.6% in 2024. In that sense, he explained, the decrease in sales could be explained by the fact that the product is specifically aimed at mass consumption, which prioritizes buying food and basic necessities over computers.

“The decline in computers and cell phones will reach its break-even point by the end of the third quarter of 2024” The technology sector added an analytics firm.

read more: Computer sales will fall by double digits and be in the red by 2024

In short

Prices. Lenovo acknowledged that the computing market will continue to show promotional price action through 2024, as brands seek to recoup lost volumes. In his case, he noted, the strategy will shift toward higher-value products after cutting more inventory last year.

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Laptops were marketed in the retail channel in 2023, accounting for 80% of total sales of the category in Peru.


Gaming. Sales of gaming equipment increased by 228% in January 2024 compared to the same month in 2019.

Digital. Online computer purchases account for 50% of the total in the retail channel.

Tablets. Tickets have tripled from S/400 to S/1,200 since 2019.

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About the author

Bachelor of Social Communication (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos). I have worked in radio and written press, and since 2013, I have been the editor of the commercial section of Diario Gestion.


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