Loreto: A boat carrying passengers and more than 20 tons of construction materials sank in the Amazon River

Loreto: A boat carrying passengers and more than 20 tons of construction materials sank in the Amazon River

Witnesses said RPP what The boat sank on the shore Amazon River Due to excess weightoh On the back of the unit.

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A boat carrying more than twenty tons of construction materials sank on the shore of the sea Amazon RiverMasusa is located in the heart of the river port, Punchana District, Menas Province, in the region Loreto.

Witnesses said RPP what The boat sank due to its heavy weight On the back of the unit, so it's flipped over. It was carrying passengers, but no one was injured.

After the accident, some of the goods that were to be carried by the boat were salvaged.

“They were only carrying construction materials to a site. They put a lot of weight behind, and the boat sank slowly. “It gave people time to get out,” said one of the witnesses.

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Material damage

on the shore Amazon RiverPassengers are waiting for the management of the company to take care of the economic losses.

Economic losses are estimated to be high A million suns Building materials such as cement and majolica were to be transferred to the community of Iceland for municipal work.

The ferry covers the route from Iquitos to Bajo Amazonas, passing through border towns on a journey that usually lasts up to 10 days. It is a common mode of transport in this area.

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