Los Olivos mayor to file bill on urban terrorism | San Juan de Lurigancho | Peru

Los Olivos mayor to file bill on urban terrorism |  San Juan de Lurigancho |  Peru

Mayor of Olive treesFelipe Castillo Oliva announced that he is going to submit to the Republican Congress a bill on urban terrorism that would penalize all extortionists, murderers and organized gangs.

This important initiative seeks to change current criminal regulations to establish a proper classification that allows justice operators to classify these acts as terrorist.

“We are very sorry for what happened in San Juan de Luricancho. This cannot continue. This is no longer the life we ​​live every day, so we are going to discuss the approval of this important legislative initiative in our municipal council and send this initiative to the Republican Congress to work together against crime,” said the mayor.

This Friday night, 15 people were injured in an explosion at a nightclub in Lima, attacked by a group dedicated to extortion.

Precisely, the mayor of San Juan de Luricancho, Jesús Maldonado, asked this Saturday to declare the district in a state of emergency after the explosion, which has been linked to a wave of violence that has killed 80 people so far this year. Jurisdiction.

read more: Los Olivos: Interest from the industrial, educational, health and real estate sectors in the building

“We lived in terror for many years during the internal armed conflict, our country should not and should not repeat history, it is important to adapt our norms to our new reality and lead a frontline fight against this threat,” added Castillo.

Similarly, the mayor of Los Olivos said that tomorrow, Monday, he will go to Congress to support the draft laws he presented months ago regarding the declaration of a state of emergency in northern Lima and the implementation of strategic measures in civil affairs. Security.

read more: Los Olivos mayor prepares a zoning change in university area, what’s it all about?

“Tomorrow, Monday, I will present the bills we submitted to the National Security Committee of Congress. It is time to stop this crime wave that we are experiencing every day,” he asserted.

Read more: Los Olivos: New law regulates parameters for social housing

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