Lula da Silva seeks to regain his leadership in the region Alberto Otterola | Tina Poluiarte | principle

Lula da Silva seeks to regain his leadership in the region  Alberto Otterola |  Tina Poluiarte |  principle

The lost leadership should be recovered even after being caught in corruption cases and in jail. That seems to be the new slogan of Brazil’s president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has called on all Latin American leaders to take a commanding voice back in the regional arena.

This Tuesday, May 30, a meeting will be held in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to promote integration between neighboring countries. In the case of Peru it would be different; It is the only state not represented by its president, Tina Poluarte, but the head of the cabinet, Alberto Otorola, will attend.

“President Lula and Brazil are both regionally born leaders; So, it doesn’t seem strange that they want to take the lead. Additionally, the proportion of South American countries with a socialist orbit is indicated; This gives Lula an advantage,” analyst Bernan Altuve commented Peru21.

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In turn, retired ambassador Carlos Pareja reflected that Lula da Silva’s political experience had equipped her as a “politician” to regain leadership lost during Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

“Bolsonaro, in international affairs, is a bit erratic. Under his administration, Brazil lost similar leadership because of its importance as a dominant country in South America,” he said.

“Lula da Silva logically needs to seek leadership in a region that is currently very disunited. With an anti-integration approach from Mexico and Colombia,” he added.

According to official Brazilian information, the summit will be held in one day and will have two sessions: one in the morning where the presidents will give an opening statement and in the afternoon, an “informal” “conversation between the leaders.

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Otorola, shipped

As for Altuve, President Boluarte should have attended a meeting with his colleagues in Brasilia. “He didn’t go because he didn’t want to go. She can go. She never asked Congress’s permission and wants to send her prime minister. There is no bar for her to leave the country,” he said.

But Pareja assumed that the executive would first seek assent to the bill (to rule at a distance) and thus “facilitate an unquestionable legislative framework.” “I am sure the President would like to go to that event. And for others who will be invited: Brussels (Belgium), to the UN in September and to APEC in November”, he replied.

However, both experts agreed that the Boluarte administration had international legitimacy, despite criticism from Colombian Presidents Gustavo Pedro; and Andrés López Obrador, from Mexico.

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