Luna: “Lost Jewels” to Invest in Emerging and Tech

Luna: “Lost Jewels” to Invest in Emerging and Tech
Investment advice

A partner at Luna Sevilla Asesores Patrimoniales chooses one fund actively managed in emerging markets and another for “lovers” of ETFs.

In Finance of the Week, Luna has chosen two ideas: el fondo GQG Partners Emerging Markets Equity, an emerging market equity product with active management of both countries and sectors. And this fondo Wsdom Three Global Megatrend Equity ETFsA technology and artificial intelligence product.

Listen to their selection here:

Capital Fund of the Week with José María Luna, Partner at Luna Sevilla Assets Patrimonials


For questions from listeners, Luna recommends North American stocks with a bias Quality development as fondo Incometric Nortex Equity Fund. Even so, the expert assures us that we should rely on advice.

Another active variable income fund that is not heavily weighted in the technology or healthcare sector is a Background Kestora Goldman Sachs. “I will continue with the SP500, although I will combine it with other investment funds from other sectors.”

Also, the analyst advises a fund gestora Deutsche Bank to invest Short term fixed income. And within the credit area, suggest some Flexible product As a background Kestora axa.

Los Small and Medium Enterprise Funds, this time, “we're keeping it on the radar,” says Luna. While North America and Europe are the two biggest challenges, the expert highlights investing in Asia. In particular, he recommends the Magnificent 7, but “there are real opportunities in Europe.”

In connection with that Cash, “Now they are taking advantage of the increases in interest rates, especially in the European area,” says the analyst. Also, when rates are revised, we should lean towards long-term or medium-term fixed income bonds, he opined.

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Financial advice with Jose Maria Luna

Analytical Director and Partner at Luna Sevilla Asesores Patrimoniales answers questions posed by listeners about different investment funds.


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