Machu Picchu: Check the official links to buy tickets starting this Friday, January 12

Machu Picchu: Check the official links to buy tickets starting this Friday, January 12
Starting today you can buy tickets to enter Machu Picchu. (Photo: Minkul)

Official sale of tickets from noon on Friday, January 12 So much so. As is known, controversy has arisen in recent days due to a new way of obtaining tickets to visit the Inca Citadel. and company to join A site to enter will be responsible for managing.

He Ministry of Culture The website announced on Thursday night, January 11 what Culture Decentralized Directorate of Cuzco. It will be helpful cheater An extranet for paid access to reservations and tickets Inca Trails Network Y Machu Picchu City Till December 31 this year.

This will be the first step, as the second portal will come into effect on January 20, ie https://www.tuboleto.cultura.peYou can take steps to get a ticket and visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

“This new platform is successfully operating among seven museums and archaeological sites across the country. The Department of Culture reaffirms its decision to migrate Machu Picchu to this platform, which provides transparency and rigor, complete information for better decision-making,” the minister-led portfolio said. Leslie Urtiega To change the entry process to the Inca Citadel.

A statement from the Ministry of Culture on the sites where you can buy tickets to Machu Picchu.

Precisely, its owner MinCul He came to defend this new plan to enter Machu Picchu amid strong protests from many Cuzco citizens who reject the “privatization” of one of their cultural assets, which is visited by tourists every year.

In his defence, the administration said his action was taken within the framework of the economic restructuring plan. 2 with Punch Peru, They got allocation of 1.6 million feet. “This will precisely help us to promote, preserve and protect our heritage of Machu Picchu,” he told Andina.

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Last Tuesday, a march took place in the streets of Cusco to protest the new way of obtaining entry tickets. So much so. Thus, a relocation was made along Plaza de Armas and El Sol Avenue with banners against the Ministry of Culture and the Institute. to join

“We don't want them to privatize Machu Picchu because it belongs to the people. “We are against it and we also reject the name of this platform,” said one of the protesters Canal N It involves a measure of power.

Protesters demonstrate against a new platform to sell tickets to Machu Picchu. (Credit: Canal N)

On the other hand, David Moreno, president of the Front for the Interests of Machu PicchuHe told the newspaper Republic There are many interests in having a private party take over ticket sales.

“There are big interests, and that's why they want to deliberately destroy the sales system here. Alleged mistreatment of tourists is an excuse to give the green light to privatize the entire ticketing system. A private outside party will end up selling the tickets, as is happening in other archaeological centers in Peru,” he noted.

For its part, Carlos Loiza, General Manager of the National Tourism BoardHe mentioned that the tender was controversial.

“In the process in question there was no public tender, which is a routine procedure in which a government agency publicly invites interested parties to submit proposals, allowing fair competition to award the contract to the most suitable offer. Instead, the direct delivery of the service was chosen,” he noted.

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So much so, an iconic archaeological site located in southern Peru, is one of the most recognized expressions of the Inca legacy and is considered a cultural treasure for humanity. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983, under the category of Cultural Property, due to its outstanding historical, archaeological and cultural value.


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