The Vice President speaks exclusively to Telemundo 44 – Telemundo Washington DC (44)

The Vice President speaks exclusively to Telemundo 44 – Telemundo Washington DC (44)

El Salvador's vice president, Felix Ulloa, praised the new system that allowed Salvadorans abroad to vote in the presidential election that began last Saturday.

“The democratic and electoral process has evolved so much that for the first time this fundamental human right has been recognized as being able to vote in diaspora countries,” he revealed in an exclusive interview with Telemundo 44.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) launched a website through which its compatriots can exercise their right to vote using a Unique Identification Document (DUI). The portal will be available until February 4, when elections will also be held in El Salvador.

See the guide to voting from abroad here.

Electronically and instantly. Online voting for Salvadorans abroad will begin at midnight this Saturday, January 6.

Ulloa is on a six-month license like President Naib Bukele after the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court allowed them both to run for a second term.

The controversy revolved around the fact that according to Article 152 of the country's constitution, a President cannot be re-elected if he has served for at least 6 months.

The article states that “the President of the Republic has held office for more than six months, consecutively or not, during the immediately preceding period or within the last six months before the commencement of the presidential term.”

When asked by Telemundo 44 about the matter, the official “explained the difference between immediate elections (and) a second term, which is allowed in the constitution.”

“El Salvador allows for indeterminate and immediate re-election of mayors and representatives,” the lawyer said.

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However, based on the position of chairman and vice-chairman, Inova said the application is different.

“If (the president) loses, he comes to office and gives it to the winner. If he wins, he waits until the inauguration day on June 1,” he explained.

“It's painful” report on human rights violations

Regarding security, the official reaffirmed the effectiveness of the state of emergency, which entered its twenty-second extension on Tuesday.

In addition, he called on organizations condemning human rights violations to “build their report from El Salvador.”

Their revelations follow published research Human Rights Watch El Salvador has documented more than 1,000 cases of serious human rights violations, including arbitrary arrests, torture, lack of due process, home invasions, threats, police harassment, ill-treatment, or cruel or degrading treatment.

At this stage, the official pointed out that some of these organizations allegedly did not visit the country to prepare these reports.

Regarding security, Felix Ulloa reaffirmed the effectiveness of the emergency regime, which entered into its twenty-second extension on Tuesday, while responding to complaints of human rights violations.

“It's sad because it calls into question the protection of human rights and they're actually bureaucrats who make a living out of it, but they're not really on the front lines of protecting human rights,” he highlighted.

Ulloa added that the government's control of gangs has led to economic growth in the country.

“Safety is an issue that people are starting to experience and the economy is starting to thrive. (Before) there was a beauty salon or a mechanic shop and there was a gang member.”

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Likewise, if he wins a second term, he expects the Bugel administration to seek to fight corruption.


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