Maria Corina Machado: What will happen to your presidential candidacy after the opposition wins the elections in Venezuela? | Nicolás Maduro | Elections | the world

Maria Corina Machado: What will happen to your presidential candidacy after the opposition wins the elections in Venezuela?  |  Nicolás Maduro |  Elections |  the world

Maria Corina Machado The primary elections held on Sunday were won by the opposition Venezuela with 93% votes. He defeated nine contestants. He is ready to meet the President Nicolás Maduro In the presidential election scheduled for the second half of 2024. But perhaps the expected fight will not happen. Chavismo is weighing on the former vice chancellor with what he has done all these years to get his most dangerous electoral rivals out of the way: political disqualification.

After the results are out early this Tuesday morning, Machado, 56, has challenged Maduro and said he will remove him from power.

WATCH: Venezuela’s 2023 primary results live: María Corina Machado wins as Maduro’s challenger

We will win the presidential election in 2024. We are going to collect and We are going to get Nicolas Maduro out And his regime and we are going to start the restructuring of our nation,” he asserted.

María Corina Machado smiles as she celebrates with allies and followers the results of primary elections in Venezuela early this Monday. (EFE/Miguel Gutierrez).

The Former Deputy announced that We will create “a citizen organization like never before in history to make every vote count.”

Venezuela “It broke down all barriers, it was an avalanche of citizens that brought our country together,” he said of the primaries.

Primary elections were held a few days after the opposition was represented Democratic United Platformand Chavismo representatives will sign Barbados Treaty,”Promotion of political rights and electoral guarantees for allAhead of the 2024 presidential election, an international audience will follow. These conversations seek to create a road map for this.

As a result of the agreement, The US lifted some economic sanctions on Venezuela for six months In oil, gas and gold. Also, the Chavista regime released five political prisoners.

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But what is logged Barbados It does not guarantee the electoral participation of all opponents Maduro.

María Corina Machado casts her vote at a polling station in Caracas during Venezuela’s opposition primary elections. (Photo by Federico Parra/AFP).

Disqualification of Maria Corina Machado

Maria Corina MachadoAn industrial engineer by profession and specialized in finance, he entered politics in 2002, when he created the organization Súmate, which promoted a referendum to revoke the decree of the then president. Hugo Chavez.

Later, in the 2010 assembly elections Machado was the representative with the most votes.

Maria Corina Machado smiles after voting during parliamentary elections on September 26, 2010. (Photo: MIGUEL GUTIERREZ/AFP).

He was removed from the National Assembly in 2014 For attending a meeting in Panama as a “substitute ambassador”. OAS He denounced human rights abuses during opposition protests that same year that called for Maduro’s resignation. At least 40 people died as a result of police and military repression.

Maria Corina Machado and her supporters run with tear gas during a protest in Caracas on April 1, 2014. (Photo AFP).

After his dismissal, in 2015 The comptroller’s office imposed a sanction on him, disqualifying him from public office for one year..

But in July this year, when he was already contesting as the opposition presidential candidate, Mr Controller It has been reported that he has been disqualified Machado It will be extended till 2030 He cannot hold elected office until the disqualification is lifted.

“I didn’t get any notification” Machado said. He did not appeal the sanction before any occasion. “If there is no crime, no process, no decision, what appeal am I going to make?” he asked himself.

Besides, MachadoThe judicial process for the alleged conspiracy is pending and has not been initiated for several years.

It was in this environment that he won the opposition election.

What does he say? Barbados Treaty About electoral participation? A signed document Political disqualification does not solve the problemAs he notes, “Promotes recognition of all presidential candidates and political parties as long as they meet the established requirements to participate in presidential elections. Consistent with the procedures in Venezuelan law.”

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He Barbados Treaty Signed by Chavista, president of Venezuela’s National Assembly Jorge Rodriguez, And by a former opposition mayor Gerard Plyde.

President of Venezuela’s National Assembly Jorge Rodriguez (right) with opponent Gerardo Blayd during a one-day conversation in Barbados. (EFE).

Regarding the agreement, Democratic United Platform Said to set up Road map for removal of political disqualification.

But Chavista Jorge Rodriguez He has spoken bluntly about this issue The Agreement does not contemplate the removal of disqualifications Imposed on opposition politicians.

“If you have received administrative disqualification from the organization that corresponds to (…) you cannot even be a candidate,” he stressed. Rodriguez.

There is a third actor important in this issue: America. Foreign Secretary Anthony Blinken issued a statement last week By the end of November, Venezuela will define a schedule and a specific process for the qualification of candidates.

“Everyone who wants to run for president should have the opportunity to do so.”and they are entitled to equal electoral conditions, freedom of movement and guarantees for their physical security,” Blingen’s statement said.

The document highlighted that “If we fail to comply with the terms of this agreement, the United States will reverse the measures we have adopted.”

In an interview with EFE, Juan GonzalezPrincipal Adviser to the President of Latin America Joe BidenIt said last Thursday that sanctions on disqualified politicians should be lifted Maria Corina Machado.

Venezuelan presidential candidate María Corina Machado of the opposition Vente Venezuela party speaks during a rally in San Juan de los Moros, Guarico state, on July 21, 2023. (Photo by Federico Barra/AFP).

What may come

“This fight is to the end!” Machado In his speeches to his followers. He expressed hope that the permit could be reversed and he would be able to contest next year’s elections.

But on the Chavismo side they completely reject that possibility. “Don’t dress up because you don’t want to!” Diostato Cabello, the regime’s strongest man, said.

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What can happen now? Quoted , Luis Vicente LeonOne of the most influential pollsters and political analysts Venezuelapresents three scenarios:

“One Machado demands that people protect it on the street And it creates new conflict and electoral deregulation; Another one Machado feels entitled to choose whomever will be the unitary candidate, others refuse and risk developing another fracture; And the third scene The opposition parties must once again elect an alternate candidateThis brings us back to the beginning, but with a Machado strengthened,” Lyon said.


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