‘Masha’, a 19-year-old Russian who met a Peruvian via Instagram, now appears on ‘JB en ATV’.

‘Masha’, a 19-year-old Russian who met a Peruvian via Instagram, now appears on ‘JB en ATV’.

After leaving her country to marry a Peruvian, the young foreigner became a star by appearing in the series ‘JB on ATV’.

‘Masha’ left her native Russia to live in the country with the love of her life. | Photo: IG/ maryisnotsad

Social networking sites have allowed us to meet people from different parts of the world with a single click. However, some ended up together and showed that love has no boundaries or barriers. A vivid example is a young Russian girl who left everything when she fell in love Peruvian. However, his life has completely changed and now he is a star George Benavides. Want to know its history? We tell you!

This is the case of a foreigner identified as ‘.MashaAfter maintaining contact for a long time Instagram Along with his partner, fate led them to meet, marry, and even now One of the most prominent characters in ‘JP on ATV’.

The cast of ‘JB on ATV’ is multi-talented, but nothing like ‘Masha’. In one of his recent appearances on national television, The The Russian told how she started her love story with a Peruvian. She, like other tourists, came to Peru a few years ago and finally decided to stay.

Russian ‘Masha’ wins ‘JPN ATV’

Your real name Mary SecutorovaBest known as ‘Masha’ and is 19 years. His smile and his charisma led him to different appearances on Peruvian television. Despite her fame, she will always keep in mind the incredible story that brought her to our country.

A Russian who fell in love and married a Peruvian. | Photo: IG/ maryisnotsad

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“We got married here in Lima and we live together. (…) I met him on Instagram”A year ago, Russian influence manifested itself when he married a Peruvian. interesting, ‘Masha’ admitted that she learned to speak Spanish by watching the popular national series ‘Al Fondo Hey Sitio’..

In addition, the foreigner has had the opportunity to visit the set of Michael Alexander’s production and has been invited to conduct interviews in various media in Peru. Additionally, her appearance on the show ‘JP N ATV’ did not go unnoticed by the loyal audience.


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