Medical cannabis seeds will be marketed with CONICET technology

Medical cannabis seeds will be marketed with CONICET technology

For the first time, six types of cannabis seeds with technology from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) have been registered in the National Seed Institute (INASE) registry.. Additionally, Two types of seeds and clones – “Pachamama” and “Malvina” – are marketed and distributed for medicinal purposes. Whale Leaf Farm is located in Puerto Madryn, Chubut City through a license issued by CONICET.

At the launch of CONICET cannabis seeds this afternoon at the Scientific Culture Center (C3) in Buenos Aires, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filimus, greeted those present and said: “All this is possible thanks to the efforts of many scientists. I would like to congratulate Ana (France) for creating the vision of CONICET that we are proud of today. A thoughtful view of how research is relevant to improving the quality of life of our people”.

“It is good to raise this at a time when we are discussing the role of science and universities, and it raises public awareness of the role of science, health,” the science minister continued.

In conclusion, Philamus highlights the importance of sovereignty over seeds: “This is possible because there are some ideas and perspectives in the discussion, and a public-private expression that is fundamental and virtuous. Congratulations on the excellent actions you have taken in recent times.”

In turn, the president of CONICET, Ana Franchi, emphasized the importance of the articulation carried out between the Council, a national university and a public hospital to create the Cannabis CONICET Institute. Likewise, he highlighted the importance of the government’s continued investment in science and technology and the key to creating synergies between the public and private sectors, with an SME from Puerto Madryn, to create products that reach society. And he revealed: “This license is a public-private agreement, thanks to the strengthening we are doing in research work and technical linkages in science and technology. I congratulate the CENPAT study group. CONICET has groups of scientists studying medical cannabis, so we are ready for the development and approval of the new law. We continue to support, which allows us to work, research and develop, in everything from traditional contributions, for example, these seeds.

Officials at the event included Sylvia Kochen, Scientific Coordinator of Cannabis Konizet; Network High Complexity Hospital “El Cruz” Executive Director Dr. Nestor Carlos Kirchner, Ariel Chaz de Quinoa; Rector of Arturo Jaretce National University, Arnoldo Medina; President of Whale Leaf Farm, Martin Almiral; Gregorio Picati, a CONICET researcher and one of the Scientific Coordinators of the CONICET Cannabis Technology Base Institute; and Esteban Colman Lerner, Scientific Coordinator of Cannabis CONICET.

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Secretary of Planning and Policies Diego Hurtado on behalf of the Ministry of Science; Federal Undersecretary for Science, Technology and Innovation, Luz Lordone; and Undersecretary for Institutional Integration, Pablo Nunez.

“After working for many years without a regulatory framework, it gives us great pleasure to see how scientific studies are carried out under legal regulations to begin to respond to both medical needs and the development opportunities of the country’s industry,” said Gregorio Picati. , a CONICET researcher and one of the Scientific Coordinators of Cannabis Conicet, led the development of six varieties of medical cannabis at the Centro Nacional Patagonico (CENPAT), the CONICET Science and Technology Center (CCT-CONICET-CENPAT) in Puerto Matrinet. And he added: “Besides ‘Pachamama’ and ‘Malvina’, four other varieties we develop may be licensed to companies to market: ‘CONICET’, ‘Ballena franca’, ‘Mariquita’ and ‘CENPAT’.”

“We feel very proud and satisfied. The acquisition by INASE of the property registry of six cultivars is the result of a long journey, where we put our knowledge and experience at the service of the development of Argentina’s scientific system,” said Sylvia Kochen, scientific coordinator of Cannabis CONICET. CONICET’s Cannabis Network for Medical and Industrial Use (RACME -CONICET).He emphasized that the introduction of cannabis seeds with CONICET technology is a milestone that will allow us as a company to take solid steps in the growing medical cannabis and hemp industry in the country. Likewise, it will allow us to connect with key stakeholders for the future commercialization of the sector”.

“Pachamama” and “Malvina”
Pachamama has genetics high in cannabidiol (CBD) and Malvina high in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In turn, both strains contain different concentrations of terpenes that work synergistically with CBD and THC. Medicinal oil phytopreparations can be made with two varieties with different concentrations of CBD and THC, and their use in various pathologies will be indicated by health professionals.

CCT-CONICET-CENPAT has made available its scientific, technical and human resource facilities, as well as its physical indoor spaces and greenhouses, for the development of various types of medicinal cannabis seeds, through its cannabis programme.

“The licensing of two types of medical cannabis seeds demonstrates the positive impact of medical cannabis from basic research to manufacturing, the creation of qualified jobs and the impact of the scientific sector on regional economies,” highlighted Rolando. Gonzalez-Jose, Director of CCT-CONICET-CENPAT.

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“Obtaining the first license from CONICET for two types of cannabis seeds fills us with pride, and we understand that this involves a commitment that we accept with a great responsibility. With our work and the support and advice of Cannabis Conicet, we believe that we will succeed in bringing to the people an Argentine product of innovation and quality. We hope so,” said Whale Leaf Farm (WLF) President Martin Almiral. He added: “WLF is a company that has been working and growing in the cannabis sector since 2019. What we are doing with CONICET is a clear example of how public and private companies can work together with technology, expertise and funding. The development of projects in the cannabis sector, Thus achieving better quality products.

Before starting large-scale production, grown medical cannabis seeds go through a stabilization and feminization process. “Consolidation is necessary to obtain the same plants and produce the same amount of cannabinoids. Feminization seeks to obtain a higher concentration of cannabinoids, because male plants produce very little, and if they are fertilized, the final concentration of cannabinoids will decrease,” Picati explained.

“Last summer we planted two of these marketable varieties. It should be noted that in an open field experiment in which 1200 female Malvina seeds were germinated, only two plants produced male flowering. That is, the percentage of feminization is almost 100%, which indicates the stability of the seed and its associated feminization”, Almiral highlighted. And he continued: “For Pachamama, we germinated 600 female seeds and none of them gave male flowers. This proves the feminization-related efficiency of this type of seed. .

“Furthermore, we were able to verify that the seeds produced in the open field were of the same quality as those produced experimentally by CONICET,” highlighted Almiral. He said Whale Leaf Farm will work with Santa Planta, Argentina’s largest distributor in the cannabis industry, to distribute the first batch of seeds to all growshops in the country.

Esteban Coleman Lerner, Science Coordinator of Cannabis Conicet, the role of the National Institute of Science and Technology in general, and the role of CONICET in particular, to strengthen and improve the integration of knowledge and technological development in cannabis, hemp and related knowledge and technology. Derivatives seek to position the country with competitive advantages for sovereign growth of the commodity and its competition in the regional and international market following recent changes in laws and regulations. And he stressed, “Cannabis Ganizet is an important tool to obtain a more active relationship with industry and society, promoting and promoting technical assistance, training, research and development and transfer of technology related to the medical use of cannabis. plant and industrial hemp”.

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Development of the National Medical Cannabis and Hemp Sector: For his part, Gochen emphasized that cannabis Konizet arises from the synergy of public interest, leaders in the field, Konizet researchers. And he pointed out: “Everyone tries to transfer the scientific knowledge developed throughout their careers from their area of ​​scientific integration to the field of social production. The company receives inquiries from large companies, universities, civil societies, entrepreneurs and small farmers because they trust the knowledge developed by CONICET researchers. Our company has unquestionable prestige and this creates a great responsibility for us as a company.

Cannabis CONICET is a collaboration between CONICET, Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ) and Dr. Nestor Carlos Kirchner Network High Complexity Hospital is the technology base company for medical cannabis and its related companies around industrial hemp. One of its main missions is to strengthen and develop the medical cannabis and industrial hemp industry in the region, creating standards of quality and innovation at all stages, from cultivation and production to medical and industrial use.

Arnaldo Medina, Rector of the Arturo Jauretche National University and Ariel Sáez de Guinoa, Executive Director of the El Cruce “Néstor Kirchner” High Complexity Hospital, expressed their pleasure in collaborating in this effort to combine technology and knowledge in cannabis.

Present on behalf of CONICET were: Alberto Baruj, Member of the CONICET Board of Directors; Director of Contracts and Programs Patricia Maccagno; Director of Corporate Relations Alejandro Dabrowski and members of the Technical Connections Administration.

In addition, Valeria Rudoi, member of RACME and Board of Directors of the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp Industry and Medical Cannabis (ARICCAME); Mariano Mangri, Director of the Registry of Varieties of the National Seed Institute (INASE); Minister of Health of the Province of Chubut Myriám Monasterolo and Director of CCT CONICET La Plata, Gloria Chicote -almost- and officials from EBT Cannabis CONICET, UNAJ, RACME, Institute of Biology of Organisms Marinos (IBIOMAR, CONICET), from the European Union for Neuroscience and Complex Systems (ENyS, CONICET -UNAJ-HEC), from Whale Leaf Farm, distributor Santa Planta and national, provincial, municipal and educational authorities. Members of the scientific community, leading NGOs and cooperatives in this regard also participated.


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