Melissa Paredes | Michael Alexander reveals whether or not he will have a model in his next series | Videos | Farandula trcm | programs

Melissa Paredes |  Michael Alexander reveals whether or not he will have a model in his next series |  Videos |  Farandula trcm |  programs

The prodigal daughter returns. Michael Alexander confirmed that Melissa Paredes Recorded for one of the Del Barrio Producciones series. The TV director and producer said that this is an episode of ‘Simply Miracles’.

However, he clarified that Melissa Paredes was not part of his musical work and that the last series that aired was Luz de Luna.

“Melissa wasn’t in the musical, and she wasn’t in ‘Lus de Luna.’ However, he recorded an episode of the series ‘Simply Miracles’. He will act in one episode. I have never seen her, never been with her, Because it is a unit of work unlike the novel (moonlight)”, He told Infopay.

Michael Alexander does not rule out the presence of Melissa Paredes in his series: “I have nothing against her”

Melissa Paredes made her acting debut in Michael Alexander’s productions; However, after their breakup and the Arrow scandal, she quit acting. Now, the manufacturer has not ruled out his presence in other products. “I have nothing against her or anyone. What interests me is the talent and the experience I had with Melissa as an actress was great”. Comprehensive.

“‘Guiding Eyes’ It was very successful. I’m not one to judge other people’s personal lives. I have my opinion, of course. If it affects my products, I will do what I have to do. There are personal issues, I think they have no impact”, emphasized.

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