Meteorites, Meteorites, and Meteorites: How Are They Different?

Meteorites, Meteorites, and Meteorites: How Are They Different?

They seem like three different ways of referring to the same thing, but they have some differences that make them very different terms.

Asteroid, Earth, NASA. Photo: X

Although they are similar, A meteor, a meteor and a meteor They are different events. It is true that they share some characteristics, but it is important not to confuse them, because each has its own differences that clarify their meaning and appropriate use.

All three companies happen to exist A common etymological root, That is the main one Reasons for confusion, It makes people believe that different names are just variations of calling the same thing.

First point: three words come from the Greek word MeteoritesThat is “Event in the Sky.” However, meteorites correspond to space, meteorites to Earth's atmosphere, and meteorites to the planet's surface. Bye.

They discovered a never-before-seen micro-meteorite in Italy.  Photo: EFEThey discovered a never-before-seen micrometeorite in Italy. Photo: EFE

Asteroid, Earth, NASA.  Photo: X

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It is safe to say that these three objects They are part of a cycle experienced by the same astronomical object, but again, they are not the same. In this way, it is interesting to separate them to better understand what they are and what makes them different:

Asteroid, Earth, NASA.  Photo: X

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According to NASA, Los Meteorites They are objects ranging from dust grains to small asteroids. That's what we call them before they enter Earth's atmosphere.

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Asteroid, Meteor, Space, NaMeteor, Space, NA

Illuminated at night in Bariloche.

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Meteors rise When a meteorite begins its journey through Earth's atmosphere. In this journey, the original object, Attracted by the planet's gravity, It decays and glows due to ionization of air. This clever display is commonly called a “Shooting Star”.

Illuminated at night in Bariloche.

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are meteorites Fragments that reach the Earth's surface After the meteorite passes through the atmosphere. In other words, what falls on the ground is waste After the meteor burns up while passing through the atmosphere.

Meteorite in Türkiye.  Photo: Reuters.

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Burnout.  Photo: Unsplash.Burnout. Photo: Unsplash.

Keep in mind the differences between these terms to understand what a meteor shower is. published National Geographic Institute of Spainis an astronomical phenomenon created by the appearance of vMany meteors in the sky, in a short period of time. When this happens, it indicates that they all come from a common origin.

A meteorite hit Australia.  Photo: Screenshot.

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An American spacecraft lands on the moon after 50 years

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For more than five decades, A American ship Once again it touched the lunar soil. It was last Thursday, February 22 and marked a historic milestone from the iconic mission Apollo 17 in 1972. In this case, the company-created Odysseus block (NOA-c 'Odysseus) is the protagonist. Intuitive machines (funded by NASA), it was the first spacecraft from a private company to reach the Moon.

After that A journey of over a million kilometres The Odysseus module successfully landed on the edge of the Malabert A crater, 300 kilometers from the moon's south pole, at 5:23 p.m. US time.

“Houston, Odysseus has found his new home!” said Timothy Crain, director of the mission After a moment of uncertainty, when Lost contact.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson expressed his excitement: “Today, for the first time in more than half a century, America returned to the moon.”


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