Ministry of Transport evaluates replacement of Ovalo Monitor Bypass | news

Ministry of Transport evaluates replacement of Ovalo Monitor Bypass |  news

By Gianmarco Delgado Sánchez

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) Ovalo Monitor is evaluating making changes to the Huáscar Bypass because it may not have met the expectations of Lima residents.

In conversation with Andean AgencyDepartment Head, Raul Perez-Reyes, He questioned that the mission was accomplished By the administration of former Mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, was “half-hearted”..

It’s a good infrastructure but if you don’t intervene [la avenida] Fruit trees lose meaning. So that’s the whole thing to do“Pérez-Reyes said as he left the launch event for the Puente Santa Rosa job.

At this time The bypass ends at approximately the intersection of Los Ceibos Street and Javier Prado Este Avenue.According to the Minister, Los Fruitles Avenue should be reached to accelerate the entry into the district of La Molina.

Doing a half-baked job does not leave citizens feeling that infrastructure is solving their problems.. Finally, citizens are not interested in iron and cement, they are interested in a fast road. That is what you have to do,” he commented to this media.

The head of the MTC revealed that his portfolio is already in talks with the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. (MML), whose management now falls to the mayor Rafael Lopez AliagaTo evaluate the expansion of this road.

“SIf it is a budget problem, we have to see how we can solve it. We are talking to the municipality of Lima because we have to see [una solución]. Suddenly get some kind of extra resources to complete this mission that the city of Lima needs” he pointed out.

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Published: 10/14/2023


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